Without any blame game there are lessons for everyone and most for the 
government: 1) We are not a Bananna Republic but a Constitutional Democracy 2) 
There must be respect for the law by the politicians, law makers, law 
enforcers, and the people 3)Just because a majority government is elected it 
does not mean Ordinances galore and bulldozing laws through Parliament 4) 
Discipline flows by example from the top 5) Implementation of laws must be 
equitable and fair 6) Using police ,enforcement agencies,dirty politics to 
impose State's writ unfairly is resented 7) Damping safety valve of criticism, 
complaints, free speech, liberty, justice and permitting vigilantism police 
brutality with State patronage will blow up one day 8) Prevention is better  
than cure and people must be able to trust their government .
2. Having said that the seeds were planted the way three farm laws were 
steamrolled in Parliament without proper discussion, playing with the farmer's 
sentiments thereafter leading to their having to march to Delhi, prolonging 
their sufferings in the bitter cold and even rain with women and children, not 
for one day but months with dragging negociations, resentment and anger will be 
deep! Finally agreeing to keep the contentous laws on hold for 12 to 18 months 
but not repeal them. Republic day with VIPs who get excessive security 
stretched the police forces and as the Supreme Court rightly said, law and 
order is a State subject. Having intelligence about Khalisthan and other 
disruptive elements infiltrating,and there always may be some young blood 
hotheads, the police did not act intelligently. Mobs can be triggered to run 
beserk. Building trust in a diverse nation like India requires prudence not 
arrogance to be excercised by our government in substantial measure! 

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