Land Sharks and the Mining Lobby destroying Goa
  It is good to see that Goans in salcette, specially the coastal belt have 
finally woken up from their deep slumber and also are begining to realise that 
all along, their elected representatives took them for a jolly good ride by 
selling  their village land to the landsharks...
  But i would ask a questions to Goans as to who they consider a bigger threat?
  The Land Sharks of the Mining Lobby?
  While a section of Goans is attacking the outsider lobby in the real 
estate....arn't there outsiders who have made a fortune by raping goa's forests 
and due to incessant mining activities?
  Why is the section of the so called future leaders not having the guts to 
confront the mining lobby? is it because the roots of almost all og Goa's main 
political parties have gone deep into the mining industry?
  I guess if Goa is to be preserved for another generation...and if the plans 
of the so called new age upcoming leaders of Goa who are raising a 'revolution' 
against the land sharks...i would like to see the same new age leaders to come 
out against the mining lobby in Goa...
  Is there  a 'road map?' out here?
  Cedric da Costa

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