The Garden of Eden

May I respectfully submit about the Garden of Eden as mentioned in the
Bible.  And it was a cherished dream.  That's where I always wanted to be
at the confluence of these  two great mighty rivers.  The rivers of
(Babylon) Tigris and Euphrates. These two mighty rivers meet at Shatt al
Arab near Basra in Iraq.  What a sight to behold.  Still in existence and
protected, where these two rivers meet is the Tree of Knowledge.

Speaking about lessons-- for many centuries Iraq, the crucible of
civilization, ensured all christian holy places were maintained and cared
for. (Can we say that same for India as our World Heritage sites in Old Goa
are in a state of disrepair).

KIng  Nebuchadnezzar"s Hanging Gardens and Tower of Babylon can wait for
another day.

Voznadik Vojem

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