We the people are witnessing the death pangs of Democracy. At the
international level the UNO and ICJ are rendered impotent by powerful
nations led by demagogues, who once voted to power kept staying on pseudo
democratically by every means possible! They get surrounded by sycophants
and dissenters dare not speak up. Right now we are witnessing live on
Television what and how Russia is cruelly imposing its will on Ukraine. The
Russian people cannot have access to facts or any non state sponsored
information to filter the false information provided or speak up freely. We
thankfully have our own reporters there risking their lives at site, so
denouncing false foreign media reports holds no water! The inhuman ruthless
devastation and over a month long disastrous David Goliath battle is
unacceptable for whatever reason! All nations are in turmoil and humanity
at risk. In Goa at an extravagant swearing in function at the Shyama Prasad
Mukherjee stadium, with most of the BJP big wigs from all over India
present, huge crowd, we had even the PM fly down from Delhi in Air India
one, his flying office, chopper to and from site and fly back after the 22
minutes function! The enormous expenditures involved, security and
transport arrangements etc are mind boggling and this too when the common
man can not afford petrol or LPG and are at wits end trying to make ends
meet with skyrocketing prices! The Opposition is decimated, checks and
balances seem non- existent. These are dangerous, unpredictable and
difficult days and we the people need to ensure no matter what, we keep our
unity in diversity intact and make our government  who take an oath to
uphold our Constitution, accountable and answerable!

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