Dear Aires,

This what you have written aka said is the TRUTH, the whole TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH

Thank you.

Most appreciated.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Aires Rodrigues" <>
To: "goanet" <>
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2012 6:56 AM

Scams and Scamsters have now become an integral part of India’s
polity. We now officially know of the hazardous mining that the common
man in many villages of Goa have been witnessing and suffering for
decades. The BJP, Congress, NCP and MGP have all been beneficiaries of
legal and illegal mining in one way or the other. The blatant loot and
plunder of Goa’s natural resources continued even as Manohar Parrikar
had the audacity to tell us that there was no illegal mining in the

Sadly our justice delivery system works to the benefit of the law
breakers. It will take ages to prosecute and punish those who have
ransacked the state by this mining business. I personally feel that by
jailing the accused it will be a further unnecessary burden on the
State exchequer. In jail as State guests they would be fed by the tax
payer and we would find them conveniently cozing up in the
air-conditioned Intensive Care Unit at the Goa Medical College.

The mining companies and contractors who evaded paying their dues
should be heavily penalized. Government officers who blatantly
abdicated their responsibility by not enforcing the law should be
sacked. The Advocate Generals have a lot to explain on the flawed and
partisan legal advice they have been giving the government on the
mining issue.

Goa has had enough of mining. It has devastated a large part of our
once beautiful Goa. It would be now appropriate to put an end to all
mining for some years at least till this mountain of dust settles

After the Shah Commission report the Chief Minister has currently
halted mining. But with so many of his Ministers and MLAs having
direct and indirect interests in the business it must be sleepless
nights for Mr. Manohar Parrikar who is fully aware that the Mining
lobby has the Power to make and break governments. So very soon for
these miners it will be business as usual. For the people of Goa it
will just be one more volte-face by the Chief Minister to add to his
string of politically convenient U turns we have seen over the last
six months. In Manohar Parrikar infact we have a chameleon on display
while Goa sadly changes and sinks for the worse.

Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372

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