Elvidio Miranda
The Prime Minister's labeling of the Opposition's criticism of farm reforms in 
the country as `political deceit' and `intellectual dishonesty' does not augur 
well as worlds emanating from the prime minister of India. Farmers far and wide 
in India are not in favour of the three farm laws and demand for their repeal. 
The government has been deliberately stalling the repeal of the farm laws much 
to the detriment of the majority of farmers in India. Modi seems to be 
revealing his own `mann ki baat' by terming the opposition criticism of farm 
reforms as `political deceit' and `intellectual dishonesty'.Does Modi think 
that he is the only self-righteous man in the country or is he doing everything 
possible to defend himself to stay in power and justify his bloated ego. It 
would not be surprising to note that more than half of the Indian electorate at 
present do not approve of the ratings of Modi. He should mind his tongue and 
not air distasteful rhetoric. He should not indulge in frivolous criticism of 
the opposition.

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