Nothing is more heart breaking than the personal grief of your family member.

This video depicts a father and in a later scene the brother of a Covid 
afflicted 25 year old young man who was admitted to a Delhi hospital and the 
next thing the father knew, he was dead.

Arvind Kejriwal Delhi Chief Minister is being blamed but the buck really stops 
with the Prime Minister who calls the shots including the right to call in the 
Army (which even Fauci told him to do) but has not done so for his own strange 

Not to say there are no others that need to share the blame for this young 
man’s death. A lot of blame can be attributed to the apathy of the average 
citizen who allows those in power to get away with criminal acts of commission 
and omission.

A good lesson for Goa where “amcam pondonc nam” (it doesn’t concern us) is 
almost a commandment.


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