Mandir mania
It is the greatest political spectacle of Post Indepent India .Inauguration
of new  Parliament building ,statue of Sardar Valabai Patel or Modi Stadium
pale into insignificance.It is hailed  to be  restoration of Hindu Pride by
demolishing of 300 years of Babri Masjid. True it may be architectural
marvel that will be included in  pilgrimage circuit.It will boost the
economy and prospects of UP ,where vast majority have been living in abject
poverty .Travel business will  be on the ascendancy.Will it rival
Vatican City, Somnath  and Tirupati temples, Mecca, Fatima  ,Lourdes ,
Tajmahal with all the hype and hopla? It is hogwash that those who declined
or did not attend on 22 Jan are Hindus of  a different Cadre. As expected
Mohan Bhagwat ,Yogi were new high priests at the ceremony.  No sign of
Ahsok Singal, Advani, Murli Mamohar Joshi architects of the movement seem
to be  content as
margdarshak in absentia with lame excuses . The unprecedented majority
verdict the seal of closure was unique in that the  and for the first time
the plea and prayer was substituted by the Court and not by the parties to
the dispute.Where is the honour or even reference in passing  of those  who
sacrificed their life for the cause and  remain as unsung heroes .The court
has corrected historic wrong by ignoring a simple  right of possession,
where  in the period of ownership  accrues after 12/30 years.The PM has put
on aura of spirituality and prostration is a new dimension to Hindu faith
None of high priest have duplicated this gesture nor any other observed the
farce of  fast.The politician is the architect of  ceremony and spiritual
leaders have abstained citing ceremony advanced before completion of the
temple.The external pomp of grandeur , the hype by electronic and press
simply followed a a pattern of propaganda machine .The political aspect has
overshadowed the religious rituals and the reason why people have stayed
away . Delhi, Punjab , Tamilnadu Karnataka, West Bengal  among others
 have the marked the ocassion differently .The cameras were turned on
prominent  film  stars,  select sportsmen  and Industrialists to highlight
on popularity of participation .The PM sprinkling flower petals rivaled the
helicopter showers .The crowning glory as expected and foretold  was
announcement immediately after inauguration  of General election on 16.  4
.2024 BJP has won majority before construction of temple by primarily
resorting to Hindu pride ,hatred against minority slogans and not by any
development and progress.The opposition as usual is in disarray  seeking
personal glory .BJP  is sure to win majority by  a bigger margin It will
certainly have a bigger vote share  and the lure of Hindutva with Mandir
will definitely enhance winanility factor.The agitation fuelled on Khashi
,Matura will add to expectations. GOD save India and democracy with
freedom,liberty and fraternity The next fear is changes in the constitution
with brute majority to usher  in ammenents and mow down paltry opposition
and feeble voices of dissent .The BJP by its systematic orchestrations and
visibility of PM have consciously given him an image bigger than life or
RAM, undoubtedly to exploit it for electoral gains . BJP has consistently
worked along RSS and loyal Cadre with   bigger plot in mind
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

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