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Margao Has Not Gained Despite Having A Resident CM

The gong has sounded and the bugle is blown, Ali Baba has finally begun his 
work in earnest after partying and lazing for five full years. The news that 
our CM, Digambar Kamat has kick started his campaign and that to with a visit 
to the Gandhi market in Margao is not surprising at all, blessing between 
Digambar Kamat and his migrant vote bank have been mutual for a long time now, 
they do support and bless each other, as they do depend on each other for their 
very survival.

The last two months or so have been rough on our CM, with all the illegal 
mining dust being blown in his direction but has survived the onslaught so far 
and looks confidant of retaining his hold on the most coveted and sought after 
prized possession within the Goa Vidhan Sabah, to be precise the CM's chair, 
the throne that rules thou thee Oh Goa.

The generosity of our conniving politicians just before the election has always 
been overwhelming, followed by promises and assurances and we all know that our 
CM is an expert on that front, as he was born with the vital virtue. As he went 
around his constituency, he has now promised government jobs to the unemployed 
youth, looks like in the last twelve years there have been no vacancies and no 
unemployed youth in his constituency and all of a sudden today he has realized 
otherwise and promised to give government jobs to his unemployed youth.

But, what I fail to understand is, when did he get the Goa Employment Exchange 
for dowry ?  How can he give jobs so easily to the youth of his constituency 
when our Employment Exchange has been at a standstill for decades ? Or is the 
recruitment to government jobs his own personal family business ? After more 
than a decade he has now realized that the youth in his constituency need jobs 
? Is he not aware that the unemployment in Goa has skyrocketed and that the 
entire youth of Goa has the right to government jobs and not just his damned 
constituency ? All these years' jobs have been sold to insiders and outsiders 
for a hefty price as a result of which our Employment Exchange has been forced 
to a standstill and its numbers have been ever increasing.

What is the point of an Employment Exchange if our politicians tend to 
distribute and sell jobs to whom they please and as they please ? It is 
extremely unfair and unfortunate, for the youth who have turned old in their 
long wait for a government job and still, their turn is yet to come. That is 
one basic reason why we need our Employment Exchange to be transparent and free 
form political clout and influence. Employment Exchange to function at its best 
surely needs autonomy and transparency, under the ambit of the RTI act, only 
then our Employment Exchange can move forward and nepotism and prejudice can be 
wiped out.
Today our corrupt politicians need to disperse artificial inducements to get 
votes as they fail in their commitment to the people at large, because of which 
anxiety has replaced anticipation, now that their actions have amplified their 
indiscretions and perfidy. So it's not at all surprising that CM, Digambar 
Kamat is soliciting in the streets of his constituency in an attempt to 
refurbish his now flagging image.

Madgaokars know that all of his last pre election promises are yet to be 
fulfilled, as garbage is still a major problem in Margao, along with the 
traffic chaos and woes, crime and robberies frequent occurrences, if not daily, 
Monti Dongor still an aberration, water and power scarce as ever, markets as 
messy as ever, the Comba underpass still in dire state, even finding a parking 
slot is become as difficult as finding an honest politician and the Costa 
ground issue is still not a closed chapter, so what has actually Margao gained 
by having it's resident as the Chief Minister of Goa ? If he cannot take care 
of his own backyard, how can he take care of Goa ?  Madgaokars time to ponder 
and act !

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes

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