Dear Fr. Ivo,

assuming that the small write-up referred to by you was titled

"USING MY RELIGION:" I have reasons to buck. 

I do not understand why, although it is besides the point I want to make, you 

the word 'survivorship' in "Dear Goanetters..."USING MY RELIGION:
"Pastoral care can be an important element for survivorship and should not 
 be ignored. "The vast majority of Americans consider religion to be an 
 important part of their lives, and they want healthcare providers to address 
 religious issues," advised Barbara Parker, MD, medical director for oncology 
 services at Moores Cancer Center at the University of California, San Diego. 
 "The medical team needs to be educated on the relationship of religious and 
 spiritual issues in coping with illness and sustaining hope." (Source: 
 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) 2010 educational session).

I do not understand why you give examples of "vast majority of Americans (who) 
consider religion to be an important part of their lives" to Indians and Goans? 
You are a spiritual guide to a community and considering that

people of your faith and parish take your word for the proverbial silver spoon 
of truth 

your 'small write-up' comes to mean this: " O people, follow America, 

for they believe in pastoral care!"

We Indians are adept at "religious and spiritual issues".  I think that these 
"issues" are inculcated 

through mother's milk and not by educating someone into understanding them. It 
is a matter 

of faith, dear father, which must not be imposed on the spirit by either 
coercion or lure or what 
have you.

It is sad that an Indian man of faith looks up to Americans for these matters. 
Americans borrowed 

heavily from here, there & everywhere to meet their national need for faith. At 
least faith has come 
to that nation with the people who have flocked to that nation from elsewhere.
In India there is a(Hindu) practice of praying after all has failed, to sit at 
the feet of 
the deity until the dying recovers. The praying person does not move even for 
lavation or food.
There are many cases where the dying are believed to have recovered.
Please do not ask Indians & Goans to follow Americans, particularly regarding 
religion and faith.


Charudatta Prabhudesai
Auroville .
South India.***************************************

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