Goanet Digest, Vol 8, Issue 517, referred to the following link:


where the Congress Party in Goa says that ISKCON, through Akshay Patra
Foundation, should NOT be given the contract to supply mid-day meal to
schools in Goa.  A Congress spokesman is reported as saying: "Our local self
help groups should continue to be encouraged and not discarded in favour of
ISKCON. Their output should be checked."


The sentiments express regarding the local self-help groups is quite
laudable.  Perhaps all the political parties can offer their volunteers to
help in this task, along with the other NGOs in Goa.  I expect the Congress
party to take a lead in this effort.  I am sure that the people of Goa will
be grateful to the party.


Today (August 4) I was reading the Indian Express, where there is an
informative story about Akshay Patra's kitchen in Jaipur, which is feeding
1.25 lakh school children in and around Jaipur.  Given that the population
of Goa is around 14 lakhs, I think the number of children to be fed in
government schools would not be more than this number.  So, Akshay Patra has
the capacity to undertake the project.


The story is available at:



An interesting para in the story says:




Officials admit that the high standards of safety and quality come at a cost
and arranging funds has always been tough. Says R Govinda Dasa, president,
Akshay Patra Foundation, "The government provides 100 gm of raw material
(wheat and rice) per primary student and 150 gm for upper primary students.
In addition Rs 3.67 is given as cooking charge for primary students and Rs 5
for the older students. The amount covers only 50 per cent of the cost per
student and the Foundation has to depend on donations from corporate houses
and individual donors for funds."




It would seem to me that Akshay Patra is providing quite a high quality of
food for the children, going beyond what the government has budgeted for.
If the model of Akshay Patra for both, the food and the collection of
donations from the society, can be replicated by others, it would seem that
there is an excellent option available to the children of Goa.


Prof Amartya Sen has rightly said that economic development can only go
forward if the people are healthy and educated.  The Akshay Patra model
could well be the one that Prof Sen is looking for.


If anyone is interested in knowing more about the model, they can see a
study done on it, which is available at:



U G Barad



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