Margao clashes should be an eye-opener for Goans. Whilst we have on our
Main Goan Agenda, the SEZ's, Mining & Mega Projects; its high time that the
add the illegal migrants issue. Above all other arguments, surely we
appreciate that the Root cause is the "illegal" legalising of migrants in
Slums, Housing Boards etc for political vote banks; mainly by the Chief
Minister & his Comrades. Goans of all religions & castes, have always lived
in Harmony and these radical Demographic changes, blessed by corrupt
politicians, should be reversed. All these Slums should be cleared and the
Housing Board Policy should be completely revamped to benefit Goans only.
How many Goans today do not have housing; which instead is given to
outsiders? Why is the Congress government supporting the migrant thugs on
illegal land and vote bank leaders; instead of protecting those actually
needing protection?

Also what's the latest on the St Inez Slums, which was spared at the last
minute only because of "missing file".  If the Opposition Leader is serious
about stopping vote banks, can he address this first in his own

Arwin Mesquita,UAE.

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