It was a treat to watch several well fed and double sized pro-mining protestors 
drive into the city with their posh cars and march through the streets of 
Panjim with placards and banners appealing to save them from starvation. The 
appearance of these protestors gives the impression that they have enough body 
mass to starve even for six months. How long will this farce continue?
We all know the hypocrisy and hollowness of the BJP and their faithful 
anti-mining disciples that tom-tom around town about their love for Goa. We 
cannot forget that elections are round the corner.
So while a miniscule section (portrayed by the media as thousands) cries about 
facing starvation due to closure of illegal mines, what about the millions that 
choke from dust polution and thirst due to non-availabiltiy of clean drinking 
water caused by aggressive and indiscriminate mining? 
Can someone's Right to Livelihood deny another's Right to Life?



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