Three cheers to Archbishop

The forthrightness & timely seriousness shown by archbishop Rev. Filipe Neri Ferrao through his speech on "miserable state of affairs in Goa" at the Annual Christmas Civic Reception in front of invited MLAs, ministers, chief minister, governor and other creamily layers of Goa needs to be highly praised. Hope his message develops "Concern for Goa" feelings in all Goans! And as mentioned by Archbishop "One should put one's house in order before trying to put someone else's" brings desired effects.

Following Archbishop's remarkable speech the first startle came from Dr. Willy, the deputy chief minister of Goa, confessing publicly saying "the Regional Plan 2006 (RP) was never discussed before the cabinet. I was not even given a draft copy of controversial RP".

Second to get exposed is our Goa Chamber of Commerce and Industries (GCCI). GCCI's earlier firm stand on RP declared by their president on 22/12/06 and now re-thinking logic suggested by GCCI on RP also indirectly points fingers to their own illogically creating & publishing their agenda titled "Goa agenda: hopes & opportunities of the new millennium 2006". Where does GCCI stand on their differed views and on their proposed agenda which almost the other side of the same coin - RP in the eyes of general public?

Considering the timings and date general public now gossip resignation of Churchill Alemao as aftereffect of archbishop speech - which is not much convincing!

Any way, many more wanders that were hidden behind finalizing RP and other misdeeds are expected to mushroom out only to show one's clean hands. But in the process complete picture about RP and other misdeeds will be out for public viewing and grasping the truth involved. This will ultimately open the eyes of general public which will help public court to decide who and who are to be sentenced to guillotine in the upcoming Goa assembly election! I hope so!!

Dr. U. G. Barad

Margao - Goa

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