The highly selective approach of the conscience keepers of Goa would be seen
in their stand on the following issues where obviously the 'conflict of
interest' is either not detected due to poor homework or because there is a
tacit understanding that these personalities deserve permanent
exemption.Besides there are fundamental issues ( policies, legislative
reforms, administrative mechanism, decentralization of powers to grassroots)
to be addressed on the purpose and mandate of the so called "TCP review
committee" that too under an officer who has been accused to shield mining
interests and ironically 'prepared' both "goa mining policy' and "goa forest
policy" which are awaiting cabinet clearance. After a careful thought I am
constrained and compelled  by conscience to paste some old correspondence (
make a composite reading of all three e-mails annexed below) on Regional
plan and related issues.

Examine three latest developments:-
1). Government shelves City development plan (CDP) of Margao MC
a) Who prepared the plan at Govt. cost?
Answer:- Arch. Rahul Deshpande and associates
Incidentally Mr. Deshpande also happens to be the paid ( and prize winning
too, we appreciate that) architect of GSSIDC and also a member of an
important decision making task force on RP Goa 2021-would the conscience
keepers ask Mr. Deshpande to make his choice now?. A panchayat member is
disqualified if he/she takes government contracts.

2). GOAMAP criticism of ex-NIO biologist, mangrove champion  Dr. Aravind
GOAMAP commented-"GOAMAP also condemns scientist Arvind G. Untawale, former
director of National Institute of Oceonagraphy, Dona Paula who has prepared
report for Goa Governemnt declaring that there are no mangroves in Pachwadi
to benefit Sesa Goa mining company. GOAMAP advises Dr. Untawale and other
scientists not to indulge in unethical practices to favour mining
industry."  I have not seen or studied the report. Nobody can doubt Dr.
Untawale's knowledge , expertise and interest reg. mangroves. So it is
difficult to believe the comments if we read what he had said in
Mumbai-check  the news item-Report indicts CIDCO, MHADA, MMRDA(check
the weblink ). Dr. Untawale
had done excellent consultancy for Industrialist Godrej foundation leading
to conservation of pristine mangroves at Wikhroli. But Panchwadi is an
ecosensitive area where no mining should be allowed at any cost. I am trying
to get a calling attention motion on this issue in Goa assembly. GOAMAP
could help.
But is there no conflict of interest if Dr. Untawale continues to be a
member of CZMA almost from the beginning all these years?. And why there is
a retd. geologist sitting on CZMA?. Is there no conflict of interest?.
Another geologist/marine scientist is member secretary of Goa state
biodiversity board- How he would reconcile the interest of mining companies
and biodiversity conservation?

3). Constitution of govt. committee on review of TCP act, 1974
I maintain that RP-2021 has to be dumped, scrapped immediately and all those
who helped in laying down this dangerous trap owe an immediate apology to
people of Goa. Spatial planning powers to be fully decentralised.  State
land use board and land resources management committees need to be recast
and activated. RP-2021 would ensure with better maps, GIS etc. programmed,
stepwise, intelligently planned systematic, externally aided destruction of
Goa. The folly would be realized once harassment of the people post
notification begins.
It is different matter that I had campaigned in favour of Model TCP act,
1998 was an active and integral part of CSJP's pre GBA deliberations in 2005
(see E-mail ANNEXURE 1-the draft of letter/ press release which I had
assisted to revise and ponder whether GBA has received answers to the issues
raised way back in Dec. 2005by an important organ of the Church itself) and
in all sincerity made suggestions to the CM after a farcical meeting on TCP
act in October 2007, (see ANNEXED  e-mail 2 below).

Now look at the composition of the new review committee-

1. Commissioner & Secretary (TCP) … Chairman.

2. Adv. *Mahesh Sonak* … Member.

3. Adv. *Nitin Sardesai* … Member.

4. Adv. *Cleofato Countinho* … Member.

5. Under Secretary (Drafting/ … Member.

/Law) Law Department

6. Ms. *Patricia Pinto* … Member.

7. Shri *Shridhar Kamat* … Member.

8. Shri *James Mathew*, … Member

*Senior Town Planner *Convenor.
Do you find anything odd, missing?. It  is an interesting government
committee where present/past/active/passive/dormant members of GBA would sit
with lawyers representing Aldeia de Goa and other builders' or miners
interests. Let them come forward and show that they don't have such
'conflict of interests'. I am also pasting below (See ANNEXED E-MAIL 3
below) the information sought by a member of GBA  on Aldeia de Goa project.
The PIL was filed much later. Now let me see how the 'conflict of interest'
issue is being resolved by our conscience keepers in Goa and outside.



Archbishop’s House

Altinho, Panjim, Goa                 Ref:
CSJP/Misc-Iss/5(g)/TCPED-PDA-2/Gen-27          13th December  2005


Mr.Morad Ahmed

Chief Town Planner

Town and Country Planning Department

Government of Goa

            Subject:     Final draft Report of theRegional Plan of Goa2011

Reference Government Notification NO. 29/8/TCP/2005/3338

                             dated 18th November 2005.


            With reference to the Government Notification cited above this
Council having studied the Revised regional Plan Final Draft Report (FDR)
September 2003 and related documents/references in consultation with
knowledgeable experts has the following Observations/Comments to offer;

1)         The FDR has not taken into consideration the existence, the
spirit and the statutory provisions of the 73rd and 74 th Amendments to the
Constitution of India which make it mandatory for the state Government  to
involve local Bodies (Panchayats and  Municipal Councils) in the formulation
of the developmental / Regional Plan for the State.

2.                  In October 1998 in view of the Constitutional Amendments
act (73rd and 74thAmendments), the Town and Country Planning Department had
convened a high level Conference, called “Goa Beyond 2000” to discuss a “New
Regional Plan for Goa” and a “Model Town and Country Planning Act”.  The
Draft of the “Goa Town and Country Planning Act, (revised), based on Model
Urban and Regional Planning and development Law (revised) prepared by
Ministry of Urban Affairs and Employment, Government of India, New Delhi”,
officially printed at the Government Printing Press (78pp. 14 chapters, 189
clauses) made available in print then, envisaged devolution of spatial
planning powers (chapter IV, V) to District Planning Committees and Local
Bodies. The preamble of the said act, titled The Goa Town and country
planning act, 1998,  said –“ An act to provide for the promotion of
development and regulation of growth or urban and rural areas in the state
as a consequence of constitution (73 rd and 74 th amendment act, 1992) and
for the purposes connected with the matters aforesaid.” The  Government has
remained silent till date on this important document.

3)         The FDR is seriously flawed in as much as it has made its
recommendations on the basis of the out-dated  data such as the use of  Census
1991 data even though the data of Census 2001 was available to those
concerned  at the time of  the preparation of the final Report.


            In view of the above it would be impractical to accept the so
called Revised Regional Plan i.e. FDR in its ’present form’.

            The Government should not Act/proceed  on this  FDR or take
steps to implement it in whole or in part, in its’ present or revised form
unless and until it makes its role categorically very clear, giving
satisfactory and official  written/printed explanations in a democratic,
transparent , responsible and accountable manner, specifically on the
following pertinent issues  :

i)                    Steps  taken for the devolution of planning powers to
local authorities under 73rd and 74th  Amendments.

ii)                   The status and the fate of  the draft act called “The
Goa Town and country planning act, 1998 “ officially  printed and circulated
in 1998 and the reasons for not proceeding with it;

iii)                 The details of functioning of District Planning
Committees constituted in 2004

iv)                 Success/failure in meeting the objectives of the
previous Regional Plan, 2001 on basis of a sector by sector  review.

v)                  Success/failure in exercising the mandate of State Land
Use Board and State Land Resources Management Committee vis a vis National
Land Use Policy, National Policy on Pastures, National Agricultural Policy
etc. on basis of an independent review

vi)                 Success/failure of various Planning and Development
Authorities (PDAs), dissolved and re constituted from time to time in
preparing the Outline Development Plans (ODPs) and the Comprehensive
Development Plans (CDPs) on basis of an independent review.

vii)               The failure of the State to draft a State Rehabilitation
Policy and State Rehabilitation Act to protect the rights of project
affected/displaced people/project oustees before declaring any mega projects
having a substantial social or ecological footprint/impact and/or before
acquiring large tracts of land in “public interest”

viii)              The failure of the State to lay down a clear policy on
privatization and private participation in infrastructural projects and
leaving the field wide open for procedural/legal/technical manipulation  by
the unscrupulous private interests/investors/promoters/developers as may be
the case;

ix)                 The failure of the State to spell out its’ clear and
unambiguous policy consistent with the UN policy and guidelines on
sustainable urbanization  and formulate/prepare  clear, environmentally
sound , socially acceptable plans on sustainable urbanization in the state
instead of encouraging any new urban townships/growth centers/urban
centers/cities promoted by the government with or without private
participation by sacrificing precious land assets and fragile natural

x)                  The failure of the State to declare its’ people oriented
and environment friendly housing policy which would respect and preserve
Goa’s ecology, cultural identity, architectural ethos, land resources,
natural habitats, watersheds and which would not encourage the influx of  land
sharks, real estate speculators and hoards of migrants to the state at the
cost of displacement of  peace loving Goans or by causing interference in
their traditional way of life or livelihood.

Fr. Valeriano Vaz


fromcm....@nic.into"Dr.Nandkumar Kamat" <>
dateMon, Oct 15, 2007 at 5:03 PMsubjectRe: Followup of review seminar on TCP
hide details 10/15/07



Thank you for your email.  The same has been forwarded to the Chief
Minister for his perusal.

Thank you and regards
- Hide quoted text -
FromDr.Nandkumar Kamat <>to"" <
dateMon, Oct 15, 2007 at 2:27 PMsubjectFollowup of review seminar on TCP

> Attention dear CM,
> The following are my recommendations regarding the course of action
> government has to follow on TCP act, 1974. I am preapred to give any
> ideological, intellectual, technical help if the government so desires in
> this regard voluntarily, in public interest.
> 1. Upload the tcp act 1977 and the abstracts of the oct. 13 seminar papers
> on Information department's website for public scrutiny ( action by CTP
> and
> Mr. Babush Godinho STP)
> 2. Do not leave the law making procedure in the hands of the CTP Mr. Morad
> Ahmed. He is not well versed in legislative reforms.
> 3. Since changes in TCP act, 1974 is a sensitive issue, after the code of
> conduct is over the CM need to call an  all party consultative meeting to
> apprise/sound the major registered political parties about the steps
> government intends to take in public interest. Good suggestions could be
> accepted. This would be an important gesture before assembly session.
> 4. Immediately (within this week) commission a performance report of TCP
> act, 1974 from CTP and all the PDAs vis-a vis enforcement of the various
> applicable sections of the act since 1987
> 5. Order an in house a chapterwise analytical  report on implementation
> /failure of recommendations of regional plan 2001 (not the controversial
> RP-2011) which would tell the government about the reasons of systemic
> failures
> 6. Constitute a legislative reforms committee (LRC) before end of October
> 2007, with 8-10 members under the chairmanship of CS for drafting the new
> TCP act.This committee would then nominate a small drafting committee.
> 7. This committee , i.e. LRC could be fairly representative with official
> and non official (non political)  members and should not comprise
> activists
> without techno-legal background or knowledge of law making. I recommend
> Adv.
> Norma Alvares of Goa foundation as one of the non official member.
> 8 The committee must take into account the reports prepared under 2 & 3
> above, besides the 1974 act, refer to model TCP laws across the
> country/world and also use as base act-the model act of ministry of urban
> affairs and employment, govt. of India sent to Goa in 1998 ( a copy has
> been
> given to the CS)
> 9. the committee under CS must invite public comments/suggestions from
> grass
> roots level and for this purpose the information material should be
> disseminated in Konkani and marathi languages
> 10. The above committee can complete the task before Janauary 2008.
> 11. The draft TCP act, 2008 can be then sent to the law dept. cabinet etc.
> before introduction as a bill in January/march assembly session 2008.
> 12. The new act should be user and people friendly and the common citizens
> should feel comfortable with its' provisions.
> 13. The house can even refer the new act to a select committee.
> 14. if the new act gets broad public support then there would be no need
> of
> a select committee.
> 15. The new TCP act could come in force from October 2008.
> 16. a time frame of one year from today need to be kept for the above
> purpose, i.e. critical review, multistakeholder consultations, drafting,
> tabling, passing, notification.
> 17. During this entire process public statements would be made only by the
> CS to avoid contradictions and confusion in media.
> 18. the entire process should be transparent, participative and generate
> interest among the people restoring their lost faith in the government
> machinery.
> It is expected that the government would also simultaneously work on
> public
> policies as I had mentioned in one of the previous mails.
> --
> Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

fromDr.Nandkumar Kamat <>
cc"Dr. Nandakumar Kamat" <>
dateFri, Dec 29, 2006 at 1:03 PMsubjectUrgent attention Fr. Maverick
Fernandes-15 pertinent questions on the Billion Rs. "aldeia de Goa' project
hide details 12/29/06

Dear Fr. fernandes,
Happy Christmas and new year 2007!
I prepared the following matter on specific request from Konkani writer and
editor of "BImb" , Konkani monthly, Mr. Dilip Borkar. I am sending you this
for the information of CSJP and the HH rev. Archbishop of Goa.The project
has no clearance Under EIA-2006 notification.
Another project is coming up at scenic Gouli-Moula hills.
With best wishes

>From Public policy spokesperson of Goa Peoples' forum & Environmental Impact
Assessment expert Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat,

15 Questions about Aldeia de Goa project coming up at Bambolim

*The following is taken from the website of 'Aldeia de Goa' project and
tells us about its' massive dimensions. *

*" Goan Real Estate & Construction Ltd (GREC)** * was incorporated in the
year 1989 for the purpose of developing prime land at Goa. In the year 1991,
Dynamix Group, well known and leaders in the field of real estate, realizing
the potential of developing plots at prime locations in Goa, acquired
controlling interest in the Company. Once done, large scale development was
undertaken in the form of increasing the land holdings and putting basic
infrastructure in place viz. Concrete Roads, Landscaped Garden, Street
lights, Swimming Pool, Amphi theatre etc... A number of plots have already
been sold and buyers are constructing their dream bungalows. Further
development work is going on in full swing. On the anvil is development of
Commercial Complex, School, Luxurious Villas and a Five Star Hotel, making
the project unparallel in Goa. Aldiea De Goa - truly a Hill Station by the

Aldeia de Goa has been specially planned to ensure a high standard of
living. On offer are approx. 225 plots measuring 350 sq. mts. onwards.
Customers desiring a larger area can book multiple adjoining plots. Barely
30 minutes from the airport, *Aldeia de Goa *is a professionally planned
property by Dynamix Group."

*On such  background , now some of the basic questions which the developers
and government authorities need to answer are:- *

   1. *Why this project has not done the mandatory   Environmental impact
   assessment (EIA) consistent with Govt. of India notification dt. 14/9/2006 (
   published in Gazzetee of India, extraordinary, Part II, section 3,
   subsection (ii) MOEF, New Delhi?. Why the Goa state pollution control board
   has not raised any objection? (refer to   8 (a) and (b) of the schedule
   to above notification-"building and construction projects".*
   2. *The Ministry of environment and forests insists on mandatory central
   government clearance   if  such projects are located within 10 kms. of a
   notified wildlife sanctuary. How Goa government permitted Aldeia de Goa
   project which is located within just 7.5 kms. of boundary of  Chorao's
   Salim Ali bird sanctuary, as the crow flies?*
   3. *How the Town and country planning board and NGPDA permitted cutting
   of the hills with steep gradients and how the forest department permitted
   slaughtering of hundreds of trees and destruction of wildlife habitats on
   the slopes of these hills?. How the land use was changed?. ***
   4. *Why did not the forest department made inquiry into the illegal
   transport of the fallen timber without license and its' disposal in
   violation of the tree conservation act? ***
   5. *The hills are rich watersheds and need to be conserved as per the
   guidelines of Goa state water policy-2002. The groundwater recharge depends
   on these hills. How Goa water resources department permitted destruction of
   these watershed? ***
   6. *How state groundwater officer permitted digging of borewells and full
   privatization of the rich groundwater resources in 50 hectares land at the
   cost of existing springs considered sacred by the villagers of Nauxi and
   Bambolim?. ***
   7. *How the tapping of uncontrolled groundwater by the developers is
   monitored?. How many visits the state groundwater officer has paid to the
   site? ***
   8. *What action the government has taken for the violation of the   CRZ?.
   How the company got the benefit of  a "river" instead of a 'bay". There
   is no river below the project site. It is extension of the waters of Siridao
   bay and the NIO scientists can prove that the beach below is basically a
   marine beach. How the developers have been advertising an exclusive
   beach"for their clients?. Would the beach be fully privatized?. Would the
   entry to locals be closed in violation of the Goa highcourt orders vis-à-vis
   Bainguinim beach in cidade de Goa case? ***
   9. *How the Village panchayat of Curca-Bambolim-Telaulim issued
   construction licenses to the project without any clearance from the
   gramsabha?.Why the local talathi did not make a routine inspection report
   despite land use violations? ***
   10. *How the developers could barricade and divert   the coastal PWD road
   linking Bambolim-Dona Paula road to Siridao village?***
   11. *All the five star hotels need mandatory EIA clearance. Were these
   obtained from the central government in case of the proposed five star hotel
   within CRZ? ***
   12. *What about the basic human rights of the project affected local
   villagers? What the government has done for them? ***
   13. *Have the income tax authorities, the directorate of revenue
   intelligence investigated the transactions in property dealings here?. Are
   we sure that Mumbai underworld is not involved in Benami investment? ***
   14. *The project is dangerously close to Marmagoa port and comes within a
   hitting distance of shoulder fired missile in the flight path of numerous
   civil and naval aircrafts taking off at low height and landing at Dabolim
   airport a few kilometers away. The Indian and foreign warships anchoring at
   Marmagoa port can be spied upon from this site and can also be hit in a
   clandestine manner. How such a sensitive and large project was cleared from
   national security angle? ***
   15. *What do the minutes of town and country planning department clearing
   this project show?. On what grounds permissions were given?. What were the
   conditions and who monitors their compliance-in what manner? ***

Such a sinister megaproject is just a beginning for systematic privatization
of the northern coastline of Tiswadi, the fragile island's natural
resources, groundwater deposits and scenic vantage points. Such forced
colonization by the rich, wealthy and politically influential persons of
this belt dominated by the STs of Goa-the peace loving Gavade community (
from Aivao, Odexel, Cancra, Navxe, Bambolim ) is a serious violation of
country's constitution, environmental laws and human rights. It needs to be
stopped in its' tracks and a high level inquiry needs to be ordered to fix
accountability of all those who were involved in supporting and clearing it.

The role of  six government   departments-Environment,  Forests, mines, town
and country planning, revenue, water resources and three agencies-NGPDA,
Pollution control board and Town and country planning board comes for detail
public   and judicial inquisition.

*(There is similar project-a massive residential complex, Raheja carribean (
21-585/2006-IA.III, at historic and scenic Goulim Moula hillock, survey nos.
32, 33, 34, Old Goa road,   which is pending environmental clearance from
MOEF as of 15/11/2006. It needs to be opposed at the stage of public hearing
whenever it comes up)*

Dr. Nandkumar M. Kamat

December 26, 2006

Taleigao, Goa

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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