There are so many interesting and contradictory element in the whole
Process of the Nobel Prize  process;
First :Apparently it is more difficult to refuse a nobel Prize than to
accept one That famous Russian  Pasternak, author, musician linguist both
he and his family ridiculed and tortured deservedely earned the prize even
if it required the assistance of the CIA and the Italian Communist Party in
Italy.  Decades after  his death, his son collected the Prize on behalf of
his father
Secondly: President Obama Obama won the Price for his efforts on Peace and
a new beginning ...the War in SAfghanistan was still raging but compared
to his  predecessor and his successor who were more for war than PeaceHis
speech is available in English and NORWEGIAN

Thirdly: We are currently  celebrating 100years of Julius Nyerere. At the
National Museum of Tanzania a few days ago, the USA Ambassador opened the
exhibition of the close friendship between  Prez John Kennedy and President
Julius Nyerere. What seemed to matter was that President Nyerere was a
socialist, friendly with the Chinese  and could not be a liberator. .He
must be a Communist.. ..the fact that he was a catholic was immaterial. He
was a socialist the Norwegian and all the 3 Nordic Countries are Socialist
and knew his position,,,,,,,
So  let us celebrate  this great Liberator  of Africa ....I am tempted to
quote a nigerian nove;list
He said that only when lions write their history will we know what it is
like to be hunted
I will find out from my uncle whether they have a NOBLE Prize on Plant Mars
and Goans/Chinese could be eligible
In the Plains of Makongo Juu

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