George;Nice to hear from you especially around Holy Week ...I am referring
to Message: 7   Dated: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 15:39:08 +0000 (UTC)
Message-ID: <>
on the subject : [Goanet] Nobel Peace Prize Winners
Yous  categorically state <<<I am involved in the peace movement in my role
as Interim Chair of the Board of the USA Foundation for 2011 Nobel Peace
Prize winner Leymah Gbowee (Liberia, Africa) and a supporter of my friend,
2014 Nobel Peace Prize winner Kailash Satyarthi, whose Nobel Peace Prize
ceremony I attended in Oslo. I have an understanding of how the Nobel Peace
Prize process works.>>>

So there is a Goan involved  A belated Congratulation from a Goan in
distant Tanzania

 I could not agree more with you that Goans themselves are partly.  to
blame and perhaps there might  even be racism involved.  In my own case I
knew about SFX and Padre Agnel for nearly 80 years. I do not remember my
parents ever mentioning St Jose Vaz.  It was only by chance,  slightly over
a decade ago that I met Fr. Cosma  in Pilar ..He gave me a signed copy of
his book ..I was St Vaz turned down offers and
established his own orders and went to Ceylon right into the Lions and the
hatred of the Dutch Lutherans ......But lets face it there was *Divine
Intervention* everything from a heavy shower after a major drought ...the
Buddhist King was impressed...(did his son become a catholic ) to the
waters of the river rushing down after the faithful had crossed .

Still the Vatican took centuries before Vas was declared a Saint he was
 ..but many many Saints also suffered the same delays...whether they were
Europeans or Armenians

Is the process being hastened now  I think so ....we must not forget th

at we did have corrupt Popes ...ask Luther  !!!

Right here in Tanzania I doubt more than a handful of Goans out of nearly a
thousand have heard of  St.   Vaz . Greg Almeida and his family celebrate
his feast as did Rocky Fernandes and for over a Century the Goans in Dar es
Salaam  celebrated the Feast of St Francis and even had a reception in the
Goan Club.

Is it an Ostrich with its head in the sand attitude would be worth
finding out as for selling do not forget the church leaders
themselves in Goa  do so ..From Old Goa to Quepem are doing so with
Impunity. Christ in his time chased

those forex  dealers from the Temple. ... Which of us want to take the
Whipping Task Point in Just Weeping

During the Holy Week ...Lets pray for Divine Inspiration  and Guidance

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