Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

On  17 May,  JoeGoaUk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: [Goanet] Welcome to Miramar Beach  (with Pics and Video)

Dear Joe:
Your latest post on Miramar is a pure delight. I thoroughly enjoyed the May 17 contribution. Yes, you've eloquently made your point that in Goa's littoral beaches lie the quintessence of the cultural, economic, entertaining and social wealth of our beloved land. What better way to emphasize that remarkable phenomenon than with beautiful pieces like yours. The sentimental deja-vu recalling sweet child memories of your dear mother pulled powerfully at my heartstrings. At Goanet nobody represents the mind and heart of Goa better than you . A lot of fine writers delve into the grime of politics, quagmire of commercialism and "haute monde" values, but you focus on its natural pristine beauty and the regular folk which is what the real Goa is essentially about. You're among the brightest stars in our Goanet firmament when it comes to revealing Goa intimately, accurately, and philosophically and, more importantly, zealously defending its heritage, assets, strengths and integrity. Consistently espousing Goa's cause, you've striven to inveigle Goans and the rest of the World to love, respect and enjoy our Motherland. You're a true son of Goa's sacred soil.
Keep up the good work, Senhor.

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