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See essay below submitted for the GOA SUDHAROP GOAN SENIORS E-BOOK. Please send 
your submission to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - there is no deadline. When published (around Jan 2007), the 
E-BOOK will be
updated periodically.

Thank you for your support.

Goa Sudharop

By Prof. Louis Jose Dennis

The world-wide essays for Senior Citizens of Goan Origin, launched by GOA 
SUDHAROP, U.S.A. based
NGO to mark this year 2006 as the "Year of the Senior" speaks volumes of the 
love and affection of
the organizers for those in the sunset of life. The wise words of my elders 
“Participating makes
you grow, award-winning makes you glow”, deeply rooted in my mind, right from 
my days of youth,
prompt me to participate in the essay on “Reminiscences of my Goan Youth.”

During my primary education in Portuguese, the quality of discipline was 
imbibed in us by our
teachers. This has been emphatically mentioned by me, because the teachers 
always moved about the
classroom with a polished stick which was seldom used, but frightened us 
nevertheless. I remember
acting in a Konkani play “Bhatkar” wherein the leading role of 
“Bhatkar”(landlord) was played by
me, to the amusement of the audience. Later in life the fictitious role of 
“Bhatkar” enacted by me
became a living reality in Curtorim.

I vividly remember the good old days in Curtorim, when I used to accompany my 
uncle (godfather) to
our “Predio” (paddy fields) in spite of the inclement weather. During the 
sowing season, the
farmer used to throw the best variety of rice seeds in the fields with such 
dexterity which I used
to marvel.

The “Nonni” (weeding) and transplanting of the paddy fields by the women 
laborers were
interesting, as the women used to indulge in village gossip while performing 
their duties. “Canja”
(rice broth) 
was provided by us during the short break at around 10 a. m. They were a very 
jolly group that
kept me amused with their jokes in Konkani. They addressed my uncle as “Mapit 
Bhatkar” and would
jokingly ask me when I would take his place.

The harvesting season was equally interesting with the women harvesting and the 
men tying them
into sheaves which were brought to my “Forad” (open space in front of our 
house) for the
"Boile-Mollni” (threshing with Oxen). The height of amusement for me was the 
threshing and
winnowing time. This took place from late evening till the early hours of the 
morning. The
laborers were treated with rice curry, salt fish and mango pickle, along with 
(coconut alcoholic drink)’after which they started threshing accompanied with 
lively Konkani songs
which continued throughout the night, with “maddam-fenni” flowing, and the 
singing of the rhythmic
Konkani song, “Xekoi Xekoi” (drink, drink). At midnight “Attol” (jaggery and 
rice sweet) was
served to the delight of the laborers. I watched all this till early morning, 
when I fell asleep
in the balcony, only to be awakened by my uncle for my breakfast. The paddy was 
stored in a
granary with a “Koddo” (bamboo mat around the grain).

I can never forget the “Paddo” (coconut plucking) every three months. The 
“Paddkar” (coconut
plucker) climbed the tall coconut trees swiftly and fearlessly, wearing just a 
“Kashti” (red cloth
used as briefs).On reaching the top he sang songs and whistled to let us know 
that he had reached
the palm fronds. Then loudly counting the coconuts, dropped them to the ground 
either in bunches
or separately.

The May holidays were not complete without the mango plucking season. 
Mangoes-Malcurada, Xavier,
and Monserratte were stored in hay in one room of our ancestral house, which 
were relished by all
those who visited us. Then again in the month of May when all students studying 
outside Goa,
returned home, the “Mocidade de Curtorim” (Youth of Curtorim) of which I was 
the President
organized the traditional May Ball at Curtorim which was largely attended by 
the elite of Curtorim
and the neighboring areas. Here the elders all suited and booted attended this 
“Festa Dancante”
(Ball) with an eagle eye to catch an eligible damsel for their son or an 
eligible macho for their
daughter. “Arroz Refugado” (pullao) and “Orxata” (almond drink) were served to 
all those who
attended the function, as the Ball continued till “Madrugada” (wee hours of the 
morning) to the
strains of a brass band.

On the 18th December every year, St. Alex Church Curtorim, celebrates the feast 
of Our Lady of
Guadalupe popularly known as “Kelleam Fest”. On the eve of the feast, the 
relatives and invitees
flock to Curtorim to help celebrate the feast at home. “Sannas” (made from rice 
and toddy) are
prepared in the “Copro”(sanna oven) on the burning firewood, and the whiff of 
the delicious
“Sorpotel” (dish made from pork) is in the air. At the break of dawn the 
villagers of Curtorim,
woke up to the sound of the popular Goan “Alvorado” (wake-up call), and the 
young and the old
decked in their best attend the High Mass followed by procession and 
benediction. By noon a
sumptuous lunch is dished out in every house. In the evening all go the 
“Kermess” (fair). There
all friends gather to celebrate the event. I remember I was given just “Quatro 
Tangas” (4 annas)
by my uncle to spend at my discretion at the fair. But till today I cherish the 
memory as with
this amount I bought “Kaddeo Boddeo, chonne” and other sweets.

Before the lotus bloomed in the main lake of Curtorim, around the Christmas 
season, the group
“Curtorcares” in which I took part was awarded the second prize at the Second 
All Goa Mando
Festival at Panjim, performed the same Mando in a special canoe which went on a 
cruise around the
lake to the thunderous applause of the vast crowd that had gathered to witness 
this unique event.
Words fail to express adequately my gratitude for the golden opportunity 
afforded to me, a silver-
haired senior citizen (77 years) of Goan origin, which was grabbed by me, for 
such an opportunity
knocks at ones door just ONCE!

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