Murder of democracy is not  new to the Goan polity in recent years
particularly when the corrupt and autocratic Congress Government is in
the centre. It has  happened for  time and again that the Congress Party
in the Center has either dismissed or threatened the opposition Parties
Governments in States while salvaging their own party's Governments
through  illegal means with connivance of their stooge Governors and
partisan speakers. It is an irony that India, which boasts of being the
largest democracy in the world, in the most period of its Sixty years of
Independence has been ruled by a party which has never had much respect
or understanding of democracy.

The fraud Governor S.C. Jamir should be kicked out of Goa  immediately
since he has failed to  abide by the Constitution while proroguing the
Assembly on Thursday illegally instead of taking voice vote on finance
bill. The assembly should be dissolved and fresh elections should be
called immediately since this Government has lost majority. Politician
Jamir, is not fit to be called Governor Jamir, though he had duly
acquired the paraphernalia of this high office in order  to protect and
uphold the Constitution of India.

After distressed and struggling CM Diggu  saying "God will save my
government," the political crisis in Goa though seems to have been
resolved temporarily but for how long ? The Govt will have to compromise
to all the demands legitimate and illicit made by rebel MLAs. Now the
question is ,  to pacify the rebels and  induct them in Ministry with
key portfolios, whose heads will be rolled ?  Will Diggu be able to keep
all his disgruntled herd of henchmen together ? For how long this
fragile combination last ? It seems the fall of this Government is
imminent in days to come. 




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