Even in our villages, we have an over-illumination problem. At
Sonarbhat (Saligao, where I live), some roads have been flooded with
halogen. Others are dark, and some weeks back we've been facing daily
half-hour powercuts. Talk of priorities!

This is what Chryselle D'Silva wrote on Facebook:


Spending St. Xavier's Feast fighting with law and order (!) to not let
an electric high-mast with stadium-type lights be erected right
outside our house. This (bright lights), according to our neighbours
will eradicate the visibility of prostitutes, beggars, vagrants and
the drunks who stumble by old Panjim after midnight. Yeah, right. If
only bright light were the solution to all our problems... Why can't
they just repair the broken streetlights instead? Part 2 of the
'fight' happens this afternoon when our local MLA will come to assess
the situation. God help him (and us)...

...So we had a 'meeting' with Manohar Parrikar and local residents at
the site. Parrikar said, " I'll make sure the light doesn't come into
your house." And that should be the end of our objections, according
to him. When I asked him the logic behind having such an expensive
system in place when just repairing or installing a few more
streelights would be sufficient to illuminate the place, he said, "I
don't understand why you should object to other people having light."
!!! Trying to explain the effects of over-illumination (including
increased stress, increased anxiety, insomnia, the environmental
effects on birds and bats, damage to nocturnal ecosystems - which have
a cascading effect on all of us) to this so-called IIT graduate was
pointless. "I'll come to your house one day to explain this," he said.
We told him we had the time right then to listen to the explanation,
but he was too busy making chit-chat with the hangers on.

FN +91-832-2409490 or +91-9822122436 f...@goa-india.org
Saligao Goa IN http://fn.goa-india.org Skype: fredericknoronha


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