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Post-VDIS, income tax raids launched in Goa

*Sandesh Prabhudesai* in Panaji

Goa did not score well in the Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme, the
income tax amnesty programme. Perhaps it is to make amends for the low
collections that Goa became the first state post-VDIS to go on the offensive
against the tax evaders, by launching a raid on a politician-turned-real
estate agent in the coastal village of Calangute.

Raiding the palatial bungalow worth Rs 4 million of Anthony Menezes, a
member of the village *panchayat* (local council), last week, the income tax
officials recovered documents worth Rs 150 million, including around 60
files of land agreements and property sale deeds. All his bank accounts as
well as lockers are also frozen.

The coastal villages of Goa, of which Calangute is a prime attraction for
foreign tourists, are today centres for all kinds of activities, ranging
from *hawala* dealings of foreign exchange to drug trafficking. As a result,
the ill-gotten wealth has led to a construction boom, which in turn has
destroyed scenic beauty of the coast.

Menezes is involved in several real estate dealings besides running a
security agency for all the hotels in the coastal areas. The income tax
officials in Panaji now plan to continue such raids on those who refused to
pay up under the VDIS.

Says Shyamsunder Keshkamat, assistant director of income tax investigation
branch, "Besides people owning cellphones, investors in real estate market
would also be targeted." The income tax office is believed to have prepared
a list of all such people, who have reportedly invested black money into it.

Meanwhile, the VDIS fared badly in Goa not because the local income tax
department took little effort but mainly because the state is well above the
national average in terms of routine tax collections.

The greatest advantage Goa has is the Portuguese Civil Code, which remains
in force, 36 years after the the state's liberation. Since 1994, the Income
Tax Act has also taken cognisance of the Code to asses the family assets,
which are equally divided among all the family members.

After getting benefit of the tax exemption slabs, the people have to pay
very little towards income tax for their share of property as per the
Communion de Bens and the amendment in the Income Tax Act.

Though the income tax officials in Panaji expected a good response from the
builders, perhaps the crash in real estate market and liquidity crunch kept
them away from making declarations. The fishing industry, surprisingly, is
also missing from the VDIS list.

Besides people owning cell phones, a craze in the tourist state, the local
income tax department now plans to crack down upon investors in the real
estate, as most of the Gulf-based Goans and businessmen from the
neighbouring states and Bombay are known to have invested their black money
in Goa.

Collections at the Goa income tax office amount to around Rs 650 million
with 3,600 declarations for an income of around Rs 2.05 billion. But hardly
one third of it is Goa's share, since the Panaji-based income tax office
also controls three districts in the neighbouring Karnataka state -- North
Canara, Belgaum, and Bijapur, coming under Belgaum range.

Keshkamat points out that Goa has been topping the list in terms of normal
tax collections. Against the national average of less than one per cent, the
collections here are over five per cent, he adds.

The normal collection in Goa last year was Rs 1.45 billion compared to only
Rs 300 million from the Belgaum range. This despite the fact that the size
of each of the three districts in Karnataka is more than double that of Goa.


COMMENT: Clearly there is a lot of money to be made in Goa, if you have the
know how.


Gabe Menezes.

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