From: b sabha <>

People Of UP Wish They Were Cows -<>
While the government crusades on about protecting cows, it conveniently forgets 
that the Indian cow is the least efficient producer of milk, and the milk it 
produces ...

In Uttar Pradesh, it is increasingly clear that it is better to be a cow than a 
human being. On Monday, while the nation watched with keen interest the Gujarat 
election result, the UP government keenly proceeded with this most important 
agenda of looking after its cows. It announced that every district would have a 
Gau Sanrakshan Samiti (Cow Protection Committees) consisting of the District 
Magistrate, the SP, the District Development Officer and two "cow lovers" 
chosen from cow-loving associations.

Imagine the plight of these poor officers, already burdened with maintaining 
law in order in unmanageably large districts, 33 of them with populations above 
3 million. In fact, the biggest districts in UP have populations that exceed 
that of New Zealand; and the crime graph in UP is constantly moving upwards. 
Even RSS Chief Mohan Bhagat criticized the law and order situation in the state 
when he met Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in September. Now, in addition to 
maintaining some semblance of law and order and spearheading development 
programmes, these three key officers of the district will now be additionally 
be burdened with protecting cows, maintaining cow shelters and marketing (!) 
cow produce, such as incense sticks and mosquito coils!

If this weren't poison enough, they will be subject to the constant supervision 
and nagging of these two "cow lovers" on the committee who will presumably soon 
want a car with a driver and peon and a siren and a blue light to efficiently 
perform their duties. After all these are jobs for the "boys" who helped the 
BJP come to power.

All this would be funny if it weren't so tragic. UP is amongst the poorest 
states in India with one third of 210 million+ people below the official 
poverty line (and that line is pretty low in itself). That's a whopping 70 
million people (more than the population of the UK) who don't earn enough to 
feed and look after themselves in a manner befitting a human being and yet, 
they must take second place to cows!

And they are. UP, which has a huge informal sector that produces handicrafts, 
has already suffered huge setbacks because of demonetization and GST, putting 
the livelihood of millions at stake. Shouldn't the government have made efforts 
to support and market those products, rather than pushing cow dung?

While the government crusades on about protecting cows, it conveniently forgets 
that the Indian cow is the least efficient producer of milk, and the milk it 
produces does not match the quality or quantity of buffalo milk. And where 
there are cows producing abundant milk, they are from imported or cross breeds 
and not that delicate India cow, which presumably is sacred because of the milk 
it gives us. In UP, buffaloes provide 70% of the milk, a much higher proportion 
than in the country as a whole. So if the government were doing something for 
buffaloes, at least there would be some economic reason to the move.

And talking economics, the economics of cattle-rearing and breeding also 
involved selling off the older stock. Now they can't, and since they can't, 
farmers don't want to keep cows because they don't recover their investment 
just by milking cows. They make money when cattle is sold. Now that owners 
cannot sell them, they release them, creating a huge uncared for cattle 

The Times of 
 reported that as a result, in Jaipur, the gaushalas were overwhelmed with 
double their capacity at 14,000, costs of Rs. 3 crore a month, and 8,000 cows 
died of malnutrition. That's more than Rs. 2,000 a month per cow. To put that 
in context, the central government's National Old Age pension Scheme provides 
for Rs. 200 per month. Obviously, the elderly are less important than cows in 

It is completely ridiculous that UP, which is one of India's most backward, 
least developed and maladministered states, is willing to burden its already 
overwhelmed bureaucracy with schemes that do not benefit the electorate but 
meet some religious goal post. It is unacceptable for the UP government to 
divert scare resources from a poverty-struck populace.

The UP, and other cow belt, state governments should carefully watch and see if 
milk production starts to fall as less farmers are willing to add to their 
cattle. If that happens, it will be a tragedy, as milk production provided 
marginal farmers and rural India a means of livelihood. India's white 
revolution should not be reversed by saffron road blocks.

(Ishwari Bajpai is Senior Advisor at NDTV.)

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