*FROM conVersation   12 May 2022*

 Nicholas  Weston has written in the Conversation

QUOTE     THe  war in Ukraine poses multiple risks to the African
continent. Top of the list are political instability and unrest as people
buckle under rising food prices, and a shift in global attention away from
the continent opening the door to conflicts getting out of hand. Nicholas
Westcott warns
<https://theconversationafrica.cmail20.com/t/r-l-tytithtl-odhtlzuku-i/> that
the longer the war goes on, the worse the damage to Africa. African
countries need to step in, not step away. To stay neutral risks signalling
weakness and marginalisation in international affairs. Sitting on the fence
helps no-one, especially when the fence will inevitably one day
collapse.END QUITE

To be charitable it is either arm  twisting or blatant blackmailing

To those unfamiliar with *conVersation it is based in a consortium of South
African Universities and the idea is that the articles can be reproduced in
Newspapers in Africa without any fee. *

*With all the talk about the danger of fossil fuel and the environment we
are being told to continue with the damage ...Let Uncle Sam and Saudi
Arabia become super rich.  Borrow money spend it recklessly etc/ A sure way
is to shut the national research Institutions at the one prestigious
Universities. Support dictators *

*/I have copied it to a number of my Tanzanian friends ....Tanzania is rich
in gas a better option (along with solar, wndi etc )Tanzania like India,
China and others have remained neutral *

*The solution is not war but peace*


*Grandolfo  in M Juu*

*Change is possible with an informed Citzenary*

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