Pope Francis forgoes popemobile for Rio trip

Vatican City: Pope Francis is forgoing the bulletproof popemobile for his 
upcoming trip to Brazil for the Catholic Church’s youth festival.

The Argentine pope will instead use the same open-topped car he uses 
for zooming around St. Peter’s Square to move about Rio de Janeiro, 
where he arrives on 22 July.

Pope Francis. AFP
In recent times, popes have always used the protected popemobile for 
trips outside Rome. Francis, however, ended the tradition when he used 
an open-topped Fiat during his recent visit to the Italian island of 

Francis has made a point of tweaking Vatican protocol, especially 
where it concerns the trappings of the papacy and his ability to connect
 with ordinary people.

The Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico Lombardi announced the change
 Wednesday during a briefing about the pope’s July 22-28 trip.

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