From: b sabha <>
Pope calls for respectful dialogue with other religions | UCAN 
Francis helps close eucharistic congress with video message.

Francis helps close eucharistic congress with video message.
Posted on February 1, 2016, 11:12 PM

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An estimated 1.5 million people join the religious procession on Jan. 29 during 
the 51st International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu. (Photo by Angie de Silva)
Cebu city:

Pope Francis urged Catholics in Asia to commit to "respectful dialogue" with 
followers of other religions in a video message at the closing Mass of the 51st 
International Eucharistic Congress in Cebu City on Jan. 31.

"This prophetic witness most often takes place, as we know, through the 
dialogue of life," Pope Francis told more than 1 million people, including some 
12,500 delegates from 73 countries, who attended the weeklong international 

Through the "testimony of lives transformed by God's love," Catholics best 
proclaim the promise of "reconciliation, justice and unity for the human 
family," he said.

The pontiff urged Catholics to "go forth as missionaries to bring the message 
of the Father's tenderness and mercy" and follow Jesus' example by reaching out 
to others in a "spirit of respect and openness in order to share with them the 
gifts we ourselves have received."

"We are called to bring the bond of God's merciful love to the whole humanity," 
said Pope Francis, adding that every Catholic is called to bring the good news 
of Christ's "redemptive love to a world in such need of reconciliation, justice 
and peace."

"Christ's presence among us is not only a consolation, but also a promise and a 
summons," he said, adding that it is important for every Christian "to be a 
true missionary disciple" in the midst of conflicts, injustices and 
humanitarian crises being experienced around the world.

"We know how important it was for Jesus to share meals with his disciples, but 
also, and especially, with sinners and the outcast," he said, adding that Jesus 
"was able to listen to others, to hear their stories, to appreciate their hopes 
and aspirations."

Praise for Filipinos' resilience

Pope Francis again lauded the Filipino people's faith and resilience amid 
disasters as he recalled his visit to the country in January last year.

"I was able to witness at first hand the deep faith and resilience of its 
people," the pope said, adding that since the Filipino people received the 
faith some 500 years ago "they have given the world an example of fidelity and 
deep devotion to the Lord and his church.

The Catholic faith arrived in the Philippines in 1521 when Portuguese explorer 
Ferdinand Magellan landed on the island of Cebu. The pope said Filipinos have 
since then become missionaries, "speading the light of the Gospel in Asia and 
to the ends of the Earth."

Pope Francis pointed out that even as super typhoon Haiyan devastated the 
country in 2013, "it also brought in the goodness of others ... an immense 
outpouring of solidarity, generosity, and goodness."

Future of the church

In his homily, Cardinal Charles Maung Bo of Yangon, the pope's personal envoy 
to the congress, thanked Filipinos for their hospitality and for "making us 
proud to be Catholics."

"The fruits of [the International Eucharistic Congress] should be renewed 
apostolic and missionary zeal. Go and proclaim Christian hope. Philippines need 
hope. The church needs hope, our family needs hope," said the cardinal from 

The prelate called on Catholics to reach out to young people, saying that 
"instead of expecting the youth to return to the church, the church must return 
to the youth."

"A church that neglects the youth writes its own death sentence," said Cardinal 

He said the Philippines is blessed with strong family integrity and a lot of 
young people, citing a survey that shows that 52 percent of the country's 
population are below 25 years old.

"This is the future of the church," said Cardinal Bo, exhorting the country's 
leaders to invest in youth so that "you will be the strongest and richest 

"Many of the rich countries don't have children. The future doesn't belong to 
countries that have oil and weapons. The future belongs to nation with young 
people," said Cardinal Bo.


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