>From the Joseph Naik Vaz Institute...

Announcement for the 336th Anniversary of the founding of the Goa branch of the 
Oratory of St. Filipe Neri, by St. Joseph Vaz, Apostle of Kanara and Sri Lanka, 
on September 25, 1685 at Holy Cross of Miracles Church in Old Goa.

There is nothing better that those who care about preserving the multi-faceted 
world class legacy of Asian Indian-Sri Lankan St. Joseph Vaz can do, than to 
sign our Petition and do something public to show our support to make him a 
Patron Saint!  
So let's do it! Don't complain that the Vatican does not recognize the 
achievements of Asians and other people of color when we ourselves do nothing 
to ask for recognition and racial justice.  Go to http://www.josephnaikvaz.org 
to sign our Petition to the Pope and change history.
We're asking those interested in preserving his story of heroism under 
persecution and his taking care of the abandoned victims of smallpox in Kandy 
at the risk of infection, to sponsor a Mass for these intentions:1. For the 
336th Anniversary of founding of the Goa branch of Oratory of St. Filipe Neri, 
by St. Joseph Vaz, Apostle of Kanara and Sri Lanka, on September 25, 1685 at 
Holy Cross of Miracles Church in Old Goa.* This is the first fully native 
religious Congregation in colonial and modern times.  St. Joseph Vaz and his 
Indian-Goan priests smuggled themselves into Sri Lanka, and served the 
persecuted Catholics of Sri Lanka who were cut off from Rome and the Catholic 
power of Portugal during the 150 years of Dutch rule. * He is the first Asian 
to re-found an entire Church and be officially canonized with the title of 
"Apostle."2.  For our Petition to the Pope -  now re-named to include victims 
of infectious diseases - to make St. Joseph Vaz "Patron Saint of victims of 
infectious diseases and their First Responder Caregivers" 
Please reply to our email at josephnaik....@gmail.com if you would like to find 
out how to offer Mass for these intentions, and to send us the name of the 
Church, address, time, and name of those offering the Mass.  Pass the word on 
through your social media contacts.  We need your help to get 50 Masses offered!
In 2014 we sent a list of Masses offered by our supporters around the world for 
the Canonization of St. Joseph Vaz to Rome and we successfully moved the Pope 
to act.  Now, we will send details of your Mass to the Vatican to show your 
support to make a Goan who has many historical  "firsts" to his credit, a 
Patron Saint of the Universal Church. Will you help make him the first Asian 
Patron Saint in Church history?
signed by Filomena Saraswati Giese, George Pinto, Rev. Olvin Veigas 


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