From: b sabha <>
Priest buried after found hanging in Kalyan parish | UCAN 
The police suspect suicide, but could not attribute a motive for the action as 
the victim left no suicide note.

The police suspect suicide, but could not attribute a motive for the action as 
the victim left no suicide note.
Posted on October 5, 2016, 7:26 PM

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The body of a 29-year-old Catholic priest, who was found hanging dead early on 
Sunday in his parish house in Kalyan diocese, was buried on Tuesday.

Father John Koovakunnel was found hanging from the ceiling fan of his room at 
St. Anthony Church when people arrived for Sunday morning Mass, local reports 
said quoting police sources.

The police suspect suicide, but could not attribute a motive for the action as 
the victim left no suicide note.

The parish room, in which the body was found hanging, was locked from inside. 
The priest's parents say they have no idea as to what could have prompted him 
to take the extreme step.

Indian Express news paper quoted the spokesperson of Kalyan diocese saying the 
dioceses has "requested the authorities concerned for a detailed inquiry to 
find out the cause of death."

The priest, a native of Kerala, had been working in the church for the 
past-year-and-half years.

The parents of the victim told police he spoke normally to them just hours 
before his death.

They called him every night. During these phone calls, the deceased would tell 
them everything he was doing, Indian Express reported quoting an officer at 
Khopoli police station.

The last last phone call between them was made at 10.30 pm on Saturday. The 
postmortem report said body was found six hours after the death, which helps 
police to conclude that the suicide happened hours after he spoke to the family.

The parents told the police that he spoke to them very normally. "They did not 
get any indication that something was troubling him," said Vijay Pandhartpatte, 
Deputy Superintendent of Police, Khalapur.

"There was no tension at home. The deceased was looking forward to the marriage 
of his younger brother next month," the officer said.

Police have checked the room and his diary for clues but could not find any. 
Detailed inquiries will be made, and police will also analyze his cell phone 
for more clues, the officer said.

Source: Indian 

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