Source: Goan Voice Daily Newsletter 10 Nov. 2013 at


We were promised a grand Clean-up in Goa. But over the last 19 months of the
vicious misrule by this government, democracy stands totally subverted and
buried. The current government is a Hindu right wing (RSS) controlled set up
where any voice of dissent is intolerable and sought to be crushed in the
bud. The communal venom being unleashed is destroying Goa's secular fabric.

We officially have a 12 member cabinet. But every department and all
decisions are controlled by Chief Minister, Manohar Parrikar. The eleven
ministers are symbolic jokers who Manohar Parrikar prefers to frequently
send on outstation and foreign jaunts to keep them content.   The ruling
MLAs have also been silenced and banned from speaking out their mind on the
wrong doings of the government. In a very tactical move almost the entire
local press has been muzzled to play to the will of the government and have
conveniently surrendered their independence.

The fear of vindictiveness and retribution by this RSS driven government is
there for all to see. Ordinary citizens from fear of being targeted are dead
scared to speak out. The fright is so intense that it even deters people
from commenting against the government on the social media like Face book
with fear of facing the wrath of the saffron freaks.

To suppress the facts and truth from emanating and coming to light Manohar
Parrikar has gone all out to weaken the implementation of the Right To
Information Act. Everything is being done to keep the rampant prevailing
corruption and maladministration under closed wraps. On the pretext that the
government websites have been hacked most of them are non-functional and the
rest not updated.  Does it take so long to get the website up and working
again? Has anyone seen a website surrender to the so-called hacking? Has the
Government seriously attempted to track down the hackers? Or is this simply
a ruse to pull a bluff to shut down the websites?

The entire bureaucracy is also towing the government line, with officers who
dare to speak out being marginalised. This can be seen from the very
frequent shuffling and transfer of officers.

At the Goa Legislative Assembly which should have been the pinnacle of
democracy the scene is all the more agonizing. With the hard-core RSS
Rajendra Arlekar as Speaker the functioning of the Assembly leaves much to
be desired.

>From the 1960's we have watched and witnessed Speakers of the Goa
Legislative Assembly but  Rajendra Arlekar cannot grace the walls of the
august Halls as one of the erudite Speakers as of the past. Many Speakers in
the past may have at times been partisan but members of the public have been
commenting that Rajendra Arlekar has utterly disgraced the august Chair of
the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly.

The role of the Opposition in a democracy is vital. In Goa with an already
decimated Opposition it needed to be fairly given an opportunity to
articulate views on the floor of the Goa Legislative Assembly. Over the last
two assembly sessions, Speaker Rajendra Arlekar has high-handedly been
silencing the Opposition. It has repeatedly been "Tum bos" even before they
stand.  It is good that the proceedings of the Legislative Assembly are
being conducted in Konkani. Is it because of Arlekar's love for Konkani or
because of his lack of command over English?

So why incur all that astronomical expenditure in having those Assembly
sessions if open debates and fair deliberations are not allowed. Besides,
there's no point having those meaningless cabinet meetings. Let Manohar
Parrikar and Rajendra Arlekar along with their Swami At-marop run the show
till there is some divine intervention to restore democracy in Goa. 

Goa is by the day getting more in the news for drugs, sex and sleaze. God
save Goa. Jai Hind!

For  the  Goan Voice profile of Aires Rodrigues, go to 

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