A friend from the Centre for Public Policy Rsearch, Kochi is working
on a project to document livelihood regulations and entry-level
barriers to the informal sector in 63 Indian cities. One of this is
Panjim/Panaji. Caroline C says: "The purpose of the project is to
find out the laws and regulations applicable to entry level
professions like mobile and stationery street vendors and to document
them and thus to create public attention on the issues faced by the
entry level professions.So as the part of the project."

Would anyone know what are the relevant laws that regulate licences
for the informal sector?  Is it the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities'
Act 1968  or the  Panaji Corporation Act 2002?

Does the Goa Daman & Diu Shops and Establishment Act, 1973, and
Trading Occupation Licensing Bylaws 1989, Panaji  have any significant
say in the issue of licenses to these trades?  Are there any aditional
bye-laws for regulating these trades?  Which act regulates the city
permit for auto rickshaws  within city limit?  Is there any
order/rule pertaining the same?

Interesting issues all. It's strange how little we know... Was stumped
for an answer myself.

The CPPR website is here: http://www.cppr.in/
Frederick 'FN' Noronha   | Ym/Gmailtalk: fredericknoronha
http://fn.goa-india.org     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Independent Journalist   | +91(832)2409490 Cell 9970157402

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