I'm sure all these protest rallies - in India, and the diaspora,
- do contribute to raising both public and governmental
awareness, but.....doesn't it give you a sense of deja vu?

Rather, like Santayana's ad nauseam "those who forget
the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them...",
nine years after the last similar protest rally in Toronto,
not only have we made no progress, but things appear
to have gotten progressively worse. Do these rallies matter?

Speaking of deja vu, look what we turned up, from a decade ago:

Aluta continua! 
On Tue, 23 Sep 2008 Eugene Correia  wrote:
Subject: Re: [Goanet] Rally in Toronto

It was not the first time a rally such as this one has been held in
Toronto. After the Staines murder in 1999, the South Asian Christian
Forum (mostly made of Protestant groups, specially belong to
the Church of North India) asked me to chair a committee for
the organization of a rally at the Nathan Phillips Square.......

  Eugene Correia


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