FYI Melvyn yours there is a vast difference between an article and an 'empty
rhetoric' as cyprian has rightly pointed out to you.. in which sense does
your response look like an article to you?

In your own words, you seems to be a non graduate so come of age and write
something good, seems to me your second para is nothing but of a crab
mentality, which is so famous among goans, that they wear it everywhere they
go. If you have something better than Carmen, do it..

And stop praising your own self like a monkey 'an honourable goanet
reader'?? you must be joking!!

BTW you are Rose or Melvyn??

hAVE a nICE dAY, you seems to need it!!
PS: There subject is misleading.. there has never been a debate - Only Empty

From: Melvyn Fernandes <>
Subject: [Goanet] The Melvyn-Carmen & Cyprian debate

Dear Cyprian

Thank you for your message 10, Goanet Digest Vol 6, Issue 878.

The good news is your description of my article as "empty rhetoric" has
produced the desired result. It appears that Carmen Miranda has read my 
article as she has experienced a "paradigm shift" and is now wisely using
her precious time to provide us all with her corrections to the articles she

herself has written. 

There are elements in our community that are full of insolence making it
difficult to take anything at face value and being an honourable goanet 
reader, makes me wonder if any part of the article or other articles she has
written are credible in this world of misinformation?

Please note that I have no grievance with or a black list on anyone but
neither will I be "gagged". 

Melvyn Fernandes (non graduate)
Thornton Heath, Surrey, United Kingdom

14 September 2011


Message: 11
Date: 15 Sep 2011 03:19:46 -0000
From: "dale luis menezes" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Goanet] Dal Lake Photonama
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"


Do check my photo feature of Dal Lake which appeared on GT: September 14,

Comments/feedback welcome on the blog.


Dale Luis Menezes

Find my writings @


Message: 12
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 21:19:13 -0700
From: Sandeep Heble <>
Subject: [Goanet] Campal football stadium ? Game on
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252

Campal football stadium ? Game on


Herald Panjim Plus Edition(Sep 15)

The movement to rebuild the Campal Football stadium is very much on
the cards. After government approval, a budget has to be allotted and
work order issued to GSIDC. Till then, Ponnjekars will have to wait.
The campaigners however, plan to keep their campaign going by
organising more tournaments and activities this time, and not just

After a 10 year hiatus, out of nowhere the issue of the stadium, came
into the limelight. There could be many reasons.

On the surface ( pun intended), it seems like a lull in activity, but
the movement for the building of the Campal Football stadium is still
very much on.

After simmering for a long time, and ever since it was demolished in
2004 with a promise to build new pavilions, the movement to rebuild a
football stadium snowballed into a major issue in June this year, with
the crescendo reaching a peak, and although a tie- breaker football
tourney was being organised on the now over grown grass of the
stadium, it nevertheless, attracted a huge crowd.

Even the initial opposition to the stadium has since died down. Blame
it on the rains or on the assurances given by the chief minister and
the promise of the opposition leader to pursue the matter until it is
complete, but the resultant lack of activity ensured that issue went
out of media spotlight.

? The movement is definitely on. The Opposition leader Manohar
Parrikar has promised to take personal responsibility to ensure that
till the time a new stadium is rebuilt, the ground will be leveled and
goal posts erected, so that local residents can start playing. As per
his assurances, a few benches and minor beautifcation will also be
carried out. Works on that front are likely to commence soon and
completed by mid- October,? Sandeep Heble of the Jaycees told Herald.

After simmering for many nearly 10 years, out of nowhere the issue of
the stadium, came into the limelight. There could be many reasons
attributed to it. One is the fact that a few of Goa?s premier clubs
began seriously looking for a permanent ? home ground? in and around
Panjim. The other possible reason could be that during a discussion at
the International Centre, the space left vacant by the stadium was
considered as one of the areas in the city that could be used for

Soon there were press conferences, by Panjim?s prominent citizens,
sportsmen, football lovers and politicians addressing press
conferences, leading delegations and making statements in support of
the stadium.

The first was a press conference organised by local clubs at SAG
Conference Hall, Campal on June 24, to promote the reconstruction of
the Campal Football Stadium where three city clubs, namely JCI Sta.
Inez, Panjim Sports Festival Committee and Young Boys of Campal
announcing plans to promote the 5- aside football tie breaker.

The tournament held on Sunday June 26, witnessed a record crowd of
participating teams, as well as support of all politicians.
Following that a delegation of prominent citizens representing
different sports clubs and institutions from Panjim, led by the Leader
of the Opposition and Panjim city MLA Manohar Parrikar, met the Chief
Minister Digamber Kamat, to press their case for rebuilding of the
Campal football stadium.

The delegation, which included Arjuna Awardee and former India Captain
Brahmanand Shankwalkar, CCP Councillor Surendra Furtado, Dr Rufino
Monteiro ( Friends of Football) , Sandeep Heble ( Panjim Sports
Festival Committee), Chetan Kavlekar ( Panjim Table Tennis Club),
Michael Ribeiro ( Kaddint Boys), Leslie Roncon ( Young Boys of
Campal), Joaquim Teles ( Panjim Traditional Festival and Sports
Committee), Angelo Albuquerque ( Panjim Footballers), Stanislaus D?-
Souza ( Sports Journalist), Manoj Patil and representatives of a few
other clubs, briefed the CM about the whole issue and thereafter
submitted a petition demanding the immediate construction of a state-
ofthe- art football stadium at Campal . The Chief Minister assured the
delegation that he would study the plans before moving ahead to solve
the grievances of the sports persons and the city residents as
speedily as possible.

However, the movement well begun is fraught with several threats and
obstacles along the way.

Till date, all that the football lovers have is a verbal assurance
from the Chief Minister that the government would build the stadium
and an assurance from the opposition leader to develop the surface so
that it may be used for local youth to play.

As of now there is ? government approved plan? in place. Opposition
councillor had at that time flaunted a ? GSIDC approved plan? designed
by architect Milind Ramani for a 2,500 spectators stadium with ample
parking space for about 300 cars, provision for cafeteria, rooms for
players and a road entering from the sea side, cost of which is
estimated at around Rs13 crore.

Another plan for around 5,500 spectators, which has a parking capacity
of 150 cars is also doing the rounds.

? There will be a road, which goes around the Campal stadium after the
Kala Academy gate along the river front and joining with the SAG
Indoor complex at Campal. This road will ease the burden on the main
road and besides two wheelers can park along this road,? Heble said.

Besides, there also is the need to get AIFF approval for the stadium
if it needs to be called a football stadium per se. Sources in the
know have expressed reservations about whether the AIFF will approve
of this stadium with a 5,500 capacity to host national matches, leave
aside international matches, which can be hosted at Fatorda.

The campaigners however plan to keep their campaign going by
organising more tournaments and activities this time, and not just
football, but other tournaments just to send out a strong message to
the government.

Other tournaments tentatively planned, include a football tournament
at the Campal grounds, ( after the surface is redone), basketball at
the Youth Hostel, volleyball at SAG grounds, Campal, athletics at SAG
Grounds, Campal, badminton at Indoor Stadium, Campal, table tennis at
Don Bosco Oratory, chess at Menezes Braganza Hall, Panjim, carrom at
the Conference Hall, Indoor Stadium, Campal, boxing at Indoor Stadium,
Campal, under- arm cricket near swimming pool and athletics at SAG
grounds, Campal.

The organisers have also planned child art and essay competitions to
be conducted in the schools and colleges in addition to the one day
sports festival.

Others fear that the issue has been usurped by political reasons and
that in order to win people?s support in the next elections.
They fear that once the elections are over, these issues will not be
given enough importance and assurances will not be kept.
After the government approving the plan, there needs to be a budget
allotted and the work order issued to the GSIDC. Until that happens,
Ponnjekars cannot afford to consider their battle won.

Dr rufino Monteiro pitches in

One of the forefront members and leader of Friends of Football Panjim
in the movement to build the Campal Football Stadium, Dr Rufino
Monteiro gives his take on the entire movement.

The Chief Minister has promised that before the stadium is built the
surface of the ground would be improved and it would be done through
state government funding. This assurance was given to Opposition
leader Manohar Parrikar when he led a delegation of Panjimites to CM.
That was the last that has happened on this issue. It wasn?t just an
assurance; we expect the work on the surface to begin soon.

Elections have not come so we do not expect the politicians involved
to take less interest once the elections are done. If that happens, we
will see what we can do.

Voice of Panjim

The demand for construction of Campal Football Stadium and sprucing up
its ground has gathered steam.
GERARD DESOUZA asks Ponjekars of the demand for having a good ground
in Panjim. Here are some views

Yes, we need a good grass ground with no stones so that at least we
enjoy the game. This will curb any obstructions so a good tecdhnique
can be developed without any fear of injury. ?- Andrew Alphonso,

Yes, currently the young boys play on the athlethics ground that ruins
both the athlethics ground and does not give boys experience a good
professional football turf. That's what we need.- Colin D?Costa,
footballer, Miramar

I don?t expect anything to happen. If it happens then it is well and
good, but if it doesn?t it will come as no surprise.- Steve Gomez,


The Old glory days of Football at the Campal Football Stadium-
Photographs available at:

End of Goanet Digest, Vol 6, Issue 881

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