Reform The Reformers First

Reforming is the most powerful, important and sought after institutional 
ability in the world. Reforms is what every person, institution and nation has 
been looking for over the centuries, it is a never ending process that will 
eventually set greater benchmarks for nations, institutions and people to 
conquer and surpass.

We ourselves wouldn't have been humans if the basic evolutionary process did 
not reform itself from a simple micro biological organism to the most complex 
form of life as humans. In a way it was a reformatory process, as over the ages 
man has become more intelligent and even more inquisitive. Seeking reforms is a 
basic human quality that is ever so dominant, so much so that in some countries 
in the quest for reforms, institutional inability to reform has often led to 
chaos and violence all round.

India has had numerous socio-economic reforms over the years and we have come a 
long way from the feudalistic era and mindset to the prevalent democracy that 
we are and from the ghastly "sati" to the empowerment of women or from the 
repulsive untouchability to equality for all. Reforms have paved the way for 
social, economic and educational equality and justice for a lot of people, but 
even than a lot is yet to be done and a lot of reforms are still need to be 
brought about to improve the quality of life in this world, in our country and 
in our state.

Today as we tread through the 21st century we have seen a lot has indeed 
changed but yet we need to reform further for the betterment of nations, 
societies and individuals. People around the world toady are stressing on the 
need for further reforms for the stability and enhancement of society. Even 
today atrocities against the girl child and the female fetus infanticide are 
prevalent and the efforts of the people who are fighting for reforms against 
these atrocities are well and truly laudable. We need reforms for a peaceful 
and a better world.

In India our government says it is trying its level best to attain social, 
economic and educational equality and viability for its unfortunate and 
deprived citizenry. As a nation, our economic reforms have put us on par with 
the top in the world, even though our social and educational reforms lack the 
teeth and the bite of its economic counterpart but has our general economic 
success and social reforms in any way helped to alleviate poverty and 
illiteracy among the masses ? Have all the reforms been implemented for the 
betterment of the under privileged ? It's a real pity that even with our 
Nation's immense economic success, the void between the poor and the rich has 
got even wider.

The reason for this debacle is corruption and the self-centeredness of our 
netas and babus, along with all the other reforms to put things into 
prospective; we do need political reforms as well. Today our politicians are 
the unalloyed epitomes of dishonesty and fraud. Corruption in India and Goa is 
not opportunistic or incidental but systemic and institutionalized. Corruption 
and greed has permeated from the lowest to the highest or vice versa, rugs of 
bureaucracy and governance, to such an extent that they are viewed as normative 
behaviour by our Authorities.

Reforms are much needed but for them to be effectively implemented, political 
reforms to curb and stop corruption and nepotism are blatantly required or else 
it would be like trying to tackle the symptoms without trying to address the 
disease and to address and treat this appalling disease, we do need a strong 
Lokpal Bill that will make transparency and accountability the order of the day 
no matter who the person or the institution is. A strong Lokpal will certainly 
be a very good political reform or it could even be the mother of all reforms.

When transparency and accountability is enforced then obviously other reform 
will automatically be more effective because it will bring not just individuals 
but parties and institutions under it's ambit to rectify the major flaw that is 
prevalent in our democratic system of governance. The political parties both at 
the centre and in the states are addicted to illicit income and expenditure 
that is well beyond their means and resources. If the parties encourage and 
patronize illegal funding, then how can it curb illicit income of its own 
members, because unfortunately it is these very members that fund the parties 
and at the moment it will be near impossible to find a party in India or in Goa 
that has retained its virginity from the unscrupulous illegal and illicit 

So, for the reformatory process to have any significance or to be effective we 
will certainly need political reforms in India and Goa in the first place, then 
and only then can we expect our Authorities to effectively implement and 
enforce other socio-economic reforms that will improve the quality and the 
essence of life and make our country and our state a better place to live in. 
The reforms should begin with the reformers and the reforming body, so let's 
all say "let the political reforms begin".

Freddy Agnelo Fernandes


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