Dr .Edwin with dedicated warriors set up from scratch
the Covid facility at ESI Hospital Margao. He was not specifically trained
nor had any previous  experience. He did not refuse the posting nor demand
any extra privileges. citing inexperience, seniority et. al.  He worked
strenuously for 3 months without break at the end of which, he needed a
little rest .His dedicated work led to establishment of first Covid
hospital in the State formulating and SOP procedures, which received due
praise and appreciation fo his handling of the situation with aplomb. When
he went on much needed rest and leave, he generously attributed his
achievements to the band of his  colleagues, who prominently were by his
side and did not bask in self-glory. That was humility at its best.  It is
to be noted that during his tenure the death rate did not spiral as it is
after his departure and which is a serious concern now,. The   arrogant
statement in the Assembly that let people go to courts and that Govt. will
do what it wants to is highly irresponsible and condemnable. Is this a
reward for a doctor and gratitude for his sacrifices and obedience at
personal risks?  It is veiled hint and direct threat, because his wife has
approached the H.C for relief from dictatorial and insensitive orders for
recall. He has now been directed report to duty, when he is on sanctioned
leave ad recuperating from covid infections himself.. This is a most
inhuman and inconsiderate treatment, which has no precedent. If there is a
need now for second facility, will Dr. Edwin expected to  have his one foot
in other place too?  Is there no other senior doctor in the Medical Cadres
similarly placed to take on responsibility?  Is it a case of exploiting a
certain community person to deliberate disadvantage? If his services are so
indispensable, which is ludicrous, then he could serve as a mentor and
guide. It is clear that others are shirking responsibility, under guise of
his expertise, which in any way  is acquired on  the field

If the Department is so inept to find a substitute for his replacement, it
speaks of volumes of administrative paralysis, in which scenario advertise
for an experienced persons and sack the scrap and incompetent seniors. It
is greatest, intolerable injustice to deny earned leave to Dr. Edwin under
circumstance and put him on chopper board. His doctor wife knows at first
hand his exact health situation now, as she never objected to his posting
earlier. There is both merit and anxiety of his health conditions, which
has prompted her to take legal steps against insensitive authorities. The
court instead of blindly sticking to service rules has  wisely   directed
to have dialogue with the recuperating doctor The only way to acknowledge
his contributions in the initial stage is not to force his recall to duty
under force and threat, but let him voluntarily decide his willingness . It
is certain that he will not be found wanting, if his services are
absolutely necessary at any point of time. For the time being let him
complete his sanctioned leave and be reverted to his parent department.
The senior doctors in the same cadre need to be rotated without any excuse

The public sympathy and consideration is with the doctor Edwin , who has
been hailed,   acclaimed and saluted as warrior of fight against covid . Dr
Edwin symbolize for us,  Goan’s   an angel in white robes and that title is
beyond reproach and unnegotiable. Govt. must show appreciation and
gratitude against public outcry for his services rendered without a fuss
and in all humility retrace its authoritarian arrogant attitude

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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