Story Summary:

The Goa Pollution Control Board officials on Friday carried out an
inspection of a resort at Sernabatim based on complaints...

PANAJI:  The Goa Pollution Control Board officials on Friday carried out an
inspection of a resort at Sernabatim based on complaints that the hotel was
allegedly discharging sewage into fields.

According to information, a chamber was kept in the fields allegedly to let
out sewage, however, at the time of inspection there was no such thing
The inspection was held after complaints from an association of people of
the area who are cultivating their fields. There have been numerous
complaints that the people cultivating the fields have been suffering from
skin diseases. Locals say that there was a lot of activity prior to the
inspection and a lot of garbage could be seen burnt in the area, however,
there was no evidence about who were the perpetrators, besides
circumstantial one.
It may be recalled that the Colva civic and consumer forum had filed a
petition in the High Court of Bombay at Goa that had directed the panchayat
not to issue no-objection certificates to hotels, restaurants and eateries
seeking to expand till they set up their own sewage treatment plant.
There have been numerous inspections and sources say that the reports are
still not ready as a comprehensive one is awaited.
“We want something comprehensive. This cat and mouse thing cannot go on. We
want a final solution,” Ms Judith Almeida of the forum told media. The
moving force in the Sernabatim case is its former sarpanch.
Locals have been upset and complaining incessantly about improper sewage
disposal and subsequent contamination of the creek in the village for
several years. The stench from the 1.2-km creek that travels to Sernabatim
and then back to the beach has seen the pollution control board inspect the
creek, and find traces of raw sewage in it, and subsequently order the
panchayat to stop hotels from discharging sewage into it.
On Monday, the board, as part of a two-day inspection drive, checked eight
hotels and found that only two had set up sewage treatment plant as per
directives issued.
Deputy collector, D M Redkar, informed that the decision to issue closure
notices, as directed by the HC, to hotels not adhering to directions will
be taken once he receives the GSPCB report.
The Colva forum has alleged that most hotels, after they close shop for the
day, still dump sewage into the creek or release it directly through
lengthy pipelines directly into the sea. GSPCB’s May inspection had found
hotels using pipes buried under the ground to dump sewage into drains that
lead to the creek and dump and burn garbage in the creek.

Please post your comments on my Blog:

Please also see below:
1. Benaulim Village Action Committee:
2. "Rape of Goa" :
3. MAND - an adivasi-rights resource centre :
5. Goa's Identity Movement group on Facebook:
6. Official Government Site NRI Office (GOA):


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