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--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Aitaracheo Sermaum
> Hi Santosh,
> Thanks for you clarification of Hinduism. I hesitate
> to debate you on the religion of your birth. 
> However, for the benefit of the Catholics on the
> goanet, it is my understanding that modern Hindus
> believe in one God, who is called "Brahman".

Sorry Gilbert,

Brahman is not God. It stands for ultimate reality.
The Upanishads describe it as such. In other contexts
they discuss the unity of self with Brahman as the
ultimate nature of reality. Sometimes Brahman may be
personified, perhaps, to make this fuzzy concept
palatable to people who are familiar with the
much-bandied model of theism. 

However, the day to day practice of Hinduism that my
family, my relatives and their priests engage in is
worship of many gods. Goa has literally hundreds of
temples of such gods. There is not a single temple of
Brahman or Upanishadic ultimate reality. There are a
small number of temples of the god Brahma in some
parts of India who is one member of the Hindu
pantheon, and along with Vishnu and Shiva may occupy a
slightly higher rank than the other gods. But Brahma
is not the same as the abstract cosmological concept
of Brahman.

> As usual you parse your words. Jains also BELIEVE in
> God. They call their God - Bhagavan or Jina. And
> their venerated pictures depict many of his
> messengers.  In Jain philosophy and theology, God
> did not to create the universe. That does not mean,
> they do not believe that there is a God.

I have already provided you with articles on Jainism
by a recognized Jain scholar and a responsible News
organization which clearly state that Jains do not
believe in any kind of god. Those articles and other
Jain writings also say that Jinas are not gods. There
are countless Jinas, and their number keeps increasing
everyday because any human being can become a Jina. A
Jina is a person who has conquered normal humanly
passions such as greed and hatred. As far as bhagavan
is concerned, it is a generic Hindi word for a god. 

Did you read those articles? 


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