Goa has seen demise of  many revolutionary outfits that profess to work in
the interest of Goans  .Experience has made Goans wiser  to know that
almost all parties are at best self serving units with outlandish masks.
HOW much has been achieved to improve the conditions with every party
promising the moon in exchange for our vote to propel them in the seat of
power. Supporting financially to tune of crores by expatriates is misplaced
trust with hope.. NOTHING substantial has been achieved  and will be so in
futured by tall  unfulfilled  promises by every party since opinion poll.
These personal parties are at best promoting self with secret understanding
of dividing  people with illusions and personal benefit
After 60 years the Goans are strangers  and in minority in their own land
of so called paradise,  struggling daily  to preserve the unique  identity
and Culture The people and not revolutionary parties will alone  ensure our
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim
Nelson Lopes

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