-----Original Message-----
From: Samir Kelekar

> NRGs holding Indian passports have legal rights to take part in Indian politics.

RESPONSE: Can Non-Resident Goans (NRGs) participate in the Indian electoral process?? Yes! Can they vote? No? Why not? They do not have a Voter Card? Why not? They do not have a Ration Card? Why not?? They do not live in Goa? So what? They are Goan - own homes, pay taxes, etc. Just Non-Resident at the time of elections.

If they can vote, do they?? No? Voter apathy, perhaps??

Voter turnout in Indian elections in 2009 was 59-60%. While the turnout in Goa was 55%, the turnout in the metros can be classified as appalling - Pune - 40%, Mumbai - 43%, Bangalore - 46%.

So what good is having legal rights, when Indians in general and Goans in particular are not interested in exercising those rights?

- B






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