Sports regulation bill
 The performance of India as the Nation is dismal when compared with
even smaller Nations  Our standing in the Olympics is pathetic to say
the least One swallow in Bindra is a consolation and is the cause for
celebration In a population of billion people, we do not find any
worthy material to spot and train The money allotted for CWG was not
spent for strange reasons  Imagine the loss incurred by he Govt in
organising CWG alone.The Govt intentions to bring this bill appears to
milk the cash rich cow of BCCI  It is the lure of money that attracts
their interests, as the amount with this cricket organisation is more
than the annual budgets of some Indian states Naturally they want a
pie of this cake The Govt reputation in the field of sports management
or organisation is disgraceful. The Govt does not encourage and
adequately finance any sensible sports activity. The federation and
bodies are avenues for the politicians to head as a matter of honour
and privilege The hockey, which was once upon a time our only Olympic
forte has lapsed into oblivion with in fights among the officials The
wining disciplines of weight lifting are privately funded. We are no
where near any discipline to reckon with in world competition The bill
was discussed with Ministers with conflict of interests , heading
sports organisations and naturally rejected. The BCCI is by and large
well administered, except for a few aberrations of IPL involving
unsupervised individuals ,who were given a free hand in good trust.
The cricket as a sport is leading the Nations in this exclusive field
of administration .selections awarding of contracts, payment to
players. etc does not brook Govt. interference That as many as 27
federations of sports are willing to come under the purview of the
bill is no answer to net BCCI and ruin a prestigious body There was
time when players were gifted one lakh through organising fund raising
events To day they are offering 2 crores to cricketers and donating to
the  other sports bodies, voluntarily encouraging other disciplines
too The Cricket associations, which are part and representing BCCI
have constructed huge stadiums promoting cricket as a sport  The
International sports events have augmented in India the much needed
infrastructure in recent times. The Govt intentions to interfere in
well managed sports discipline is a suspect The bill has some
obnoxious clauses regarding the tenure of the office bearers, such a
provision is already in place in BCCI What track record the Govt. has
of sports administration The facility at Patiala was ridden with drug
abuse of enhancing performance and athletes were caught, dismissed and
barred unknowingly for no fault of their won Look at the facilities
that the they were provided during training and mere subsistence
allowance sanctioned to them  The clause regarding age  of  70 years,
and tenure of 12 years is arbitrary to displace certain individuals
heading the organisation Suresh kalmadi heading the body is a case
gone sour There are politicians in the Parliament winning for donkey
years, entering through the Raja sabha, and who many a times are
rejected at the hustings or who can never win any election for Lok
Sabha Does the Govt contemplate age bar and tenure for holding such
public offices ?There were four cabinet Ministers on the Cabinet meet
with conflict of interests and no one excepts them to purge themselves
for a noble purpose, however sanctimonious The bill will be brought
back again or shelved permanently, who knows with the internal
pressures  The Govt will do well to support such organisations that
are doing commendable work. encourage and invest in training at the
grass root level, provide infrastructure in all disciplines and
provide a decent budget for sports advancement at all levels and in
all fields .
Nelson lopes Chinchinim 9850926276

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