

Every month Tiatr Academy of Goa organises a special programme,
*Somplolea Tiatristancho Ugddas?* to remember the late Tiatr artistes
who were born in particular month and are no more with us today. The
artistes born in the month of September and are not living who will be
remembered are:

1.      Khada minguel

2.      Seby Coutinho

3.      Prem Kumar

4.      Peter D?Costa

5.      Philomena Braz

6.      Remmie Colaco

7.      Rosalia rodrigues

This programme will be held on 22nd September 2014 at 4.00 p.m. at Black
Box, Ravindra Bhavan- Margao, Fartorda Goa

You are kindly requested to depute reporters, photographers, videographers
for wide coverage and publicity.

*Jose Alexandre Rodrigues*
Member Secretary

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