The Goa Su-Raj Party wishes the Nation A VERY HAPPY 61ST. INDEPENDENCE DAY.

It is no less a feat that our nation celebrates its 61st. Independence Day with fanfare, to re-stamp its mark as the 'LARGEST DEMOCRACY OF THE WORLD'.

Any thing too large, does have it's inherent problems, especially with precise and effective co-ordination. And at this moment, we must remind ourselves of the age old saying: ' TOO MANY COOKS SPOIL THE SOUP'. Our nation, however, by its very size and it's over a 'Billion' population, is tenacious enough to withstand the ingest of the 'spoilt' soup as a minor irritant, but must be alert and cautious not to allow these too many cooks to POISON the SOUP in the euphoria of adding more and more unnecessary ingredients to it.

We have, with pride, taken in every word spoken by our respected Prime Minister, Shri. Manmohan Singh in his long delivery to the nation at the Red Fort, New Delhi, this morning, with the WORLD watching. And we are proud of our national intentions to forge ahead towards the inevitable goal of being the 'Super Power' of the World in every respect. The 'only' asset that will give our nation this enviable title will be ' WE', the 'Billion Plus' industrious people of our nation. And, towards procuring the well-being of that 'individual' citizen of our nation, must be the 'mantra' of our national leadership, for, the nation to be strong, it is necessary that each and every ' WARD' , however insignificant, be sought to be made strong. And for this to happen, our nation must CHOOSE WITH CARE the leadership to handle the helm of affairs of our nation who are real, self-less and visionary leaders, who believe in the word SECULARISM, which word our nations' fore-fathers preferred to inscribe in the nations' CONSTITUTION, sixty one years ago, and rightly so. For they knew the latent power of this Independent nation to be, if only it steadfastly remained a SECULAR NATION. Sadly, there has been more and more assaults on this very intrinsic secular fabric that will keep this giant of a nation together and which assaults have been increasingly tolerated by weakened LEADERSHIP in the name of 'PATRIOTISM'.

It is only with reference to the above that Goa Su-Raj Party sincerely believes that too many pseudo-cooks, must, repeat, must not be allowed to POISON the SOUP that is vital for the sustenance of our nation to its increasing health and well-being.

On this 61st. Independence Day, our nation will do well to also remember the weighty words of the Father of our Nation - Mahatma Gandhi - when he said:





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