Sanny Vaz – Obituary


I was shocked to hear the news of the sudden passing away of
our friend and Niz Goenkar Bab Sanny Vaz in Kuwait.  At first I thought someone 
in his family died
and I at once thought of emailing him and comfort him. But when I read the post
slowly in detail, it struck me as a lightning that it was Sanny himself who
left us suddenly.

I pray to God that Sanny finds himself in the heavenly abode
that people like him have a God-given right to.


Today is not the day to grieve his death so much as to
celebrate his life, his achievements and the legacy he left behind for Goa
and Goans, especially for Konkani and Tiatro and Goan music. His classic
Konkani CD “Saibinnicho Tisro Segred” will always be remembered as his gifted
testament to the Konkani music lovers all over.


I had just emailed Sanny a month ago and we were always in
touch. Now who will I email in heaven? Is there such a thing as a


No one knows what is going to happen to us tomorrow. I
always think of this myself too. What will happen to me if I die? Will any of
my friends in cyberspace know about it, since they only know me by my nickname?


This world or this life is a real “fokandd” or rather a
virtual one.


Sanny, today I am sure you are in the company of great Goans
in heaven, up there in the great company of other Tiatrists or singers or great
composers like you. I have heard many songs composed by you and sung here in our
Toronto Tiatros.


In your obituary I noted that you were born in Osnimaddem,
Cuncolim. I remember this ward of Cuncolim, just next to the church across the
field next to the historic Chapel of St. Francis Xavier, where the mortal
remains of the Martyrs of Cuncolim were thrown in the well.  I remember the 
river that runs through
Osnimaddem/Biunsa, which we used to cross bare-feet when we walked  some 10 
kilometers all the way to Murida to
watch Summer Soccer Tournament games in those days (fifties). Another grandson
of this Osnimaddem ward Of Cuncolim was the celebrated cross-dresser 
Christopher of Chris-Meena fame, who also left us years ago.


I am sure today in New Jersey for the Tiatro "Adeus" ,
they will salute you for your significant contribution to the Konkani stage and
all the other things that you did for Goa , Konkani and
Goan welfare.


Sanny-Bab, uprant mellche!


Silviano Barbosa



November 10, 2007

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