*Baobab Story*

Mervyn..don’t worry …you asked me a very legitimate question…Overseas Food
Corporation (OFC ) came immediately after World War II.  Spme fellows were
very concerned that the British Population would be starved for fat. …so
they decided to come to Tanganyika Territory…the emblem was the Twiga who
the English called the Giraffe,

I visited Dodoma in 1944..we visited a Goan Family in the railway quarters,
All I can remember was that there was snooty girl of about 8 who played the
Piano. What my infant mind did not realize at all was that there was a
famine raging inb Dodoma. I was to discover this only when I was at UCLA,
as a teaching Assistant and started on two  research projects,  one was
plotting all famines and food shortages in all the Provinces…of
Tanzania…there were 7 Provinces and each had several districts.  At UCLA
while conducting book research I also found that the same OFC had another
scheme inn Gambia to raise chickens  so that the British could have a
breakfast of beacon and eggs!!

You raised a Pandora’s Box because the OFC headquarters were not far from
the original Goan Institute built way back during the German period.  The
site of the OFC offices were of a temporary nature. There was a Makonda
watchman, he was..quite scarified.  I distinctly recollect talking to this
fellow and during our conservation told him that one day man would go to
the Moon  !  This shocked and upset the watchman. He told me that it was
sheer blasphemy !!

The site of those temporary buildings is today the Hdq of AIR TANZANIA

*OK back to the Baobab Trees* …Yes they are massive, really massive ….when
you come to think of it they can last as many as 2500 years or more.  In
Zambia there are trees so large that a regular car could pass through the
hollowed trunk.

Yes near St Peters Church in Oyster Bay the Ali Hassan Road is slightly
curved.  It was a plea to the Japanese Contractor under JICA Aid not to cut
down the tree !! One of the Witch Doctors…has put a cardboard advert with
his mobile agreeing to correct erectile problems, infertility and even HIV

There is another one near the brand new Tanzanite Bridge (parallel to the
old Salender Bridge) which cost millions of US dollars and built by none
other than the late Prez JPM (RIP) At that site I have seen people cme and
worship and burn incense !  Men wore Muslim caps, women in black buibui . I
will consult my friend Dr Simeon Mesaki, a world renowned expert about the
persistence of superstition related to the Mbuyu

Back to Dodoma: When the Brits started their Scheme in Kongwa they did not
have any tractors.  So they modified the old tanks, perhaps even used
German tanks. Anyway the tanks were so heavy that they compacted the
soils.  There is a myth that the spirits dwelling in the Baobab trees were
so strong that when  the tanks bit a baobab tree the ripper, blade just

No sensible Mugogo from Dodoma would dare cut a Mbuyu tree

Yes, although the baobab tree is found in arid to Semi arid Dodoma and in
many parts of Northern Kenya ..they can store and enormous amount of
water.  Yes as many as 10,000 litres of water..Ask any Sudanese they will
tell you.  The Baobab of Madagascar are different ….they are found in a
regime which is wetter but periodically are hit by droughts or hurricanes !!

I cannot resist this. The British after World War II feared a serious beef
shortage ...Hip Hip Hooray the solution was CORNED BEEF. So cattle were
hauled all the way by train from Dodoma and Mwanza and brought to the Pugu
about 40 kms from DSM ....You did not want to pollute DSM ...so the cattle
were dropped in unceremoniously dropped  Pugu station. From there they were
trekked to Kawe (Kiswahili for COWWAY !!!) There were at least two  Goan
Families working in Kawe ....( One was the Demello ...Blanche the daughter
worked in PWD as a telephone Operator) I was temporary there in 1958
keeping trek of files .....this was before the days of computers and

Must call it a day …Next episode later


Makongo Juu without consulting his Uncle on Mars

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