Operation Red Alert aims to end sex trafficking 
in India by 2025. Photo courtesy of My Choices Foundation

                                Sex traffickers target poor communities in 
India. This group aims to stop them
                                By Larisa Epatko, PBS NewsHour

                                “Economic freedom doesn’t actually mean that 
much if you’re in a highly abusive situation,” said Elca Grobler, who 
originally planned to use her background in finance and investment banking to 
train Indian women in financial literacy and development.

                                Instead Grobler started My Choices Foundation 
soon after moving with her family from Australia to India in 2011. The 
organization has since grown to 24 staff members with two main objectives: 
preventing sex trafficking and domestic violence in India.

                                In the South Asian country of 1.3 billion 
people, there is an innate power imbalance between men and women, said Grobler. 
Women grow up as a commodity of the family, then they get married and become a 
commodity of their husband’s family, she said. “It’s something that’s inherent 
in a patriarchal culture. Women are not viewed as who they are but what they 

                                A ranking of women’s well-being per country — 
based on their inclusion, justice and security — by the Georgetown Institute 
for Women, Peace and Security and the Peace Research Institute of Oslo puts 
India at No. 131 among 152 countries.

                                Grobler said India lacks governmental resources 
and infrastructure to address domestic abuse, and women often feel too ashamed 
to seek help. When they finally do reach out, it is after years of abuse and 
they are at their wits’ end.

                                One night a woman called on the helpline, 
begging Kranthi Ahron, a My Choices Foundation team member, to take care of her 
children because she wanted to end her life. Ahron remembers the case from when 
she first started as a counsellor with Operation PeaceMaker, the group’s 
initiative to end violence against women and girls at home.

                                The woman was married to an alcoholic, who was 
abusive and didn’t let her work as a fruit-seller for days at a time when he 
suspected her of being unfaithful. “She suffered emotionally — and 
economically,” Ahron said.

                                After speaking with her for an hour, Ahron told 
her to wait until the morning before doing anything drastic, so she could meet 
the woman’s children. The next day, she saw the woman, who told her, “I’m alive 
and I’m taking good care of my kids.”

                                Her turnaround surprised them both. “I gave 
some time to her, and helped her know someone cared,” Ahron said.

                                Operation PeaceMaker offers free counselling to 
survivors of abuse and their families, and provides legal advice if the 
survivors want to take any formal action. The counsellors are local women 
trained to work within their own communities. They also run workshops to 
educate whole communities on how they can support each other in preventing 

                                Ahron is now a state coordinator in southern 
India for Operation Red Alert, the organization’s other main initiative to 
prevent sex trafficking by teaching families how they can keep their daughters 

                                The Global Slavery Index for 2016 says more 
than 18 million people in India live in slavery, such as forced labor or 
marriage, although it does not specify how many women and girls are coerced 
into the sex trade in particular. Worldwide, the tally of modern-day slaves is 
about 40 million, according to the index, which means nearly half are in India.

                                Sex traffickers target poor communities, 
because they can lure girls into their service by offering to pay families’ 
debts, finding the girls jobs and making other promises. Australian analytics 
firm Quantium developed an algorithm to help the group identify at-risk 
communities based on factors such as poverty level, distance to police stations 
and transportation systems, education and literacy.

                                The behavioral researchers at Final Mile in 
Mumbai helped Grobler and her team devise the best way to approach fathers 
about trafficking, and it was to appeal to their sense of protectiveness in a 
positive way. Fathers often are the key decision-makers in families and sex 
traffickers approach them the most.

                                Through the program, fathers learn that 
investing in their daughters’ future by educating them will benefit the family 
and the community more than an early marriage or sending them away to work. “We 
speak to the good in the fathers,” and empower them with what to look for to 
protect their daughters from traffickers, Grobler said.

                                The local implementing partners spend three 
days in each village, show films about trafficking, organize school programs, 
and meet with parents, children, village leaders and police. They continue to 
monitor the community after the formal program by keeping in contact with 
assigned residents. Once traffickers know someone is monitoring the village, it 
may dissuade them from trying anything, Ahron said.

                                She recalled one visit to a village, where 
someone told her, “A girl is missing; if only you had come earlier.”

                                It “pierced my heart,” she said, but it also 
spurred her to want to do more.

                                View more stories about people working to make 
a difference in our Agents for Change series.

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