Hi John.
The film you are likely referring to is Edward Burtynsky's
Manufactured Landscapes...and includes ship-breaking scenes from
Bangladesh. Saw it a few days ago and a must-see and hopefully makes
one think and wonder..........and think and act!!


I was introduced to Montrealer (I think) Burtynsky's work a few years
ago at the Montreal Museum of Contemp. Art (of what ever they choose
to call the place...they usually display nicely presented eye-hurting
certified arty garbage)...but Edwards work stood out for me. The
phrase 'climate change' was not born then and environmentally folks
were still the hairy hippies. His is a body of work that makes you
stop and think and think and stop!! And one memorable photograph which
will remain with me as both beautiful and stunning is from
Rouyn-Norand, Northern Qubec...here is a variation of the picture,

As for Goa and the environment...its best left to the salty winds of
Colva...leave it be! What ever will be, will be. Its way beyond
redemption no?  Maybe I am wrong. The sight of the blue back (rupya)
and the greed and nice living spaces and the air conditioning...well,
and the desperate need to be wealthy and quick and to show....is a hot

And if you are really not convinced about polluting cities and if you
happen to be in Mexico City (I spend time there and you will find me
on a sunny day off the commercial district, Av. Reforma at the
Marliz-style ancient cafe, still serving old-style cup-cakes and
coffee, real coffee...and do say hello)...you will know what I
mean....and for good measure...before sunset....take the Pullman de
Morelos (airconditioned for your confort) up to Cuernavaca (an hour
from M city).....get a view of the city as the bus goes up the
mountain..The site is breadth-taking as Mount Everest, the lights
blanked the valley as wide as the eye can see the the who-knows what
dirty air sits over like a evil halo over the vastness of the city.
The view is both beautiful and scary...scary as in the vastness of big
cities, of endless development and no solutions, no answers. Please
note, this site is very unique, therefore I mention.

There are no easy answers....nor solutions!

And in parting, a few weeks ago back in the surburban sprawl of
Mississauga, a Goichi watering his withering garden (yo, its autumn)
told me Gore got his facts wrong, he said he heard on tv...he said
with an air of confidence, I was alllllmost convinced. He has been to
university you know...and drives them big 'comfortable' vans!! And
surely, has a Gulf background!!

For those interested in listening to interesting climate related
broadcasts/podcast (broadcasts off CBC),


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