Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2020 11:54:24 +0530
From: Adolfo Mascarenhas <>

The Bible and Floods

In the book of Genesis, Noah condemns Canaan (Son of Ham) to perpetual
servitude: "Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his
brothers" (Gn 9:25). Authors including  David Curp notes that this episode
has been used to justify racialized
<> slavery, since "Christians
and even some Muslims eventually identified Ham's descendants as black

Anthony Pagden explicitly states that "This reading of the Book of Genesis
merged easily into a medieval iconographic tradition in which devils were
always depicted as black walking on two feet”  and having a tail.
Pseudo-scientific  was always claiming that that African skull shapes.  In
my University days an honours undergraduate days  I a real Goan read :::We
Africans :::::, That’s when I came across Dolichocephalism  meaning that
the head that  is longer than wider Index of 75

 Please  note what is the latest regarding  laws, theology, genealogy, or
natural science”” Is it really that ONE PART OF THE HUMAN RACE SHOULD LIVE
IN PERPETUAL SLAVERY “” GOANS who go to OLD GOA see the ruins of ST
AUGUSTINE.  He is in Heaven…that is why we call him a Saint.  He is as
African as can be !!!!!  We did have a really mad Goan, in this Goanet
Forum fortunately he is in a Straight Jacket

::::Hold it lets get back to the sons of Noah ( Presumably he had
daughters) Apparently the Canaanites
<> settled in Canaan
<>, and not in Africa.  Ham
two other sons, Cush and Put, ( Could be related to PUTIN ) most likely the
two brothers settled in Africa.  Noah's curse only applied to Canaan, and
according to biblical commentator, Gleason L. Archer, this curse was
fulfilled when Joshua conquered Canaan
<> in 1400 BC.[8]
Feel free to check my citation) Although there is considerable doubt about
the nature and extent of the conquest described in the early chapters of
the book of Joshua.

Flood story did supply a rationale for the subjugation of the Canaanites.
It is possible that the naming of 'Canaan' in the post-Flood story is
itself a reflection of the situation of warfare between peoples in the time
when the written form of the story took shape.

Some forms of servitude was ignored by the Torah
<>. Hebrew legislation maintained
kinship rights  even made allowances for Jewish  servants learning the
job….but they could not be kept in that position for more than seven years,
women and girls had marriage rights and even physical  and eventually even
freedom of movement and liberty (Leviticus 25:39-41)

Let me look closer and see how Jews had laws about the treatment of slaves
by the Jews. Jews could be punished if they beat a slave causing death
within a day or two,and would have to let a slave go free if they destroyed
a slave's eye or tooth, force a slave to work on the Sabbath,etc  Unlike
the Burmese Buddhist who treat Muslim worse than slaves …..among the Jews
if a slave escaped from heathen and took refuge among the Israelites, he
was free and could not be abused …..I suppose in this millennium no
throwing bananas or making monkey sounds or money gestures. A person owning
debts could volunteer to be a slave for a fixed period until the debt was
paid but there was no question of starving or treating him like an animal
with no shelter

In the post Floyd period lets see the ground rules If a master harmed a
slave in such a way that the slave died within 24 to 48 hours, it was
to be *avenged
perhaps even by death *

There were rules for celebrating the Sabbath and even slaves were permitted
to rest and relax

All very good but if you were not a Jew… had no rights

Next Part Lets go and learn from Monkeys and Apes….Darwin


In Quepem ...lots of real  Monkeys ...eating good large mangoes !!

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