Enough is enough. The Socorro Gram Sabha unanimoulsy took on the Government and 
the Elected Representatives for paying scant respect to the decisions of this 
supreme body and forcibly pushing gated housing projects in the village. It 
refused approval for the proposed budget for 2011-2012 citing the following 
1.  The Village Panchayat cannot produce its village development plan to 
justify the budget projections.
2.  The Village Panchayat does not have any annual development plan in place.
3.  The Village Panchayat has not prepared ward development plans.
4.   There is no transparency and accountability to the Gram Sabha from the VP 
5.   The GS has repeatedly opposed multi-storeyed gated housing projects but 
the VP Body went ahead and granted permissions.
6.   On several occassions the Government and the Director of Panchayats have 
claimed that GS has no power to stop construction projects in the village.
Under such circumstances if the GS, the village people, cannot determine the 
type of development in their village, the VP Body has no moral right to 
approach the GS for approval of the budget. Voices in the crowd were heard 
shouting, "Go to the Town Planning and Director for approval now."  
The Secretary made a passionate appeal claiming that development would come to 
a stand still but GS members refused to budge and reiterated that approving he 
budget would mean silent abettment to corruption and abuse of the GS rights 
from politicians and bureaucrats. 
Copies of this resolution will be sent to the Governor, Chief Minister, 
Panchayat Minister, Director of Panchayats and B.D.O. 

Another proposal to hike house taxes was also struck down after members 
demanded to know the reasons for the increase. The Village Panchayat coudl nto 
produce any convincing reasons in the absence of long term village development 
plans. Another strong point is that though taxes are levied uniformly, 
development is not done equally in all wards but preference is only given to 
select wards. 

Meanwhile, the GS also demanded that the construction permission to the Pinto 
do Rosario project at Vaddem be revoked until the residence of the priest and 
the adjoining land be returned to  the Chapel of Our Lady of Remedios.

Another reolsution to acquire communidade lands for garbage disposal and 
treatment was unanimously adopted.

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