Not a megaproject-road construction and tree slaughter was done by Goa
University for completing boundary wall
This is a new and interesting development. After posting the previous
alert and appeal about the road construction and tree slaughter, I
visited the registrar, Goa University, Dr. Sangodkar,  in the
afternoon (June 1, 2010) and requested him to conduct an on the site
inspection. We inspected the university’s map, checked the boundaries
and then with University engineer Mr. Sawakar we proceeded to the site
of road construction. Both the registrar and the engineer were
surprised to discover the activity and damage. “this must have been
going on for many days’ , opined the registrar. He noted the imprints
in mud made by heavy earth moving machinery. I requested him to file a
FIR. The engineer pointed to a section of completed boundary wall
(after shifting to the present campus it has taken university 16 years
to undertake a compound wall construction along the large boundary as
there were no funds for the same ) and implied that the  road
construction and tree slaughter might have taken in the private
property without university’ s knowledge. But perhaps he would not
know that he would be changing his opinion in a few hours. We
concluded the inspection with the registrar assuring to seek an
explanation from the security guards in the boys’ hostels who could
have noticed the movement of machinery.
It so happened that, after returning from the inspection, considering
the tree slaughter and its’ impact on wildlife I contacted the CCF,
Goa forest dept. Dr. Shashikumar and asked him to send RFO, Panaji to
investigate the matter of tree felling. “How is it possible that
access for road construction and tree felling was given from
university property without anyone’s knowledge?”. He expressed his
doubts. But I insisted on an inquiry by RFO who is also the notified
tree officer. Dr. Shashikumar assured to send him.
In the meantime Times of India –Goa Journalist Mr. Paul Fernandes
contacted me. I asked him to visit the said site in the evening. Both
RFO Mr. Korgaonkar and Mr. Paul appeared at the same time, around 4
PM. Mr. Korgaonkar came with his full team. Then we proceeded to
inspect the road and tree felling. A little further we noticed another
wall on a slope and a large cleared area. The forest dept. team
noticed logs of a freshly cut large jackfruit tree. A woman was
collecting the branches. She said that a landlord has allowed her to
collect the wood. A few trees could be seen fallen to the ground with
the branches cleanly severed. ( I would post these images later) A
Kokum tree was in a state of collapse. Mr. Korgaonkar expressed his
doubts about involvement of a private party. Looking at the laterite
bricks he said that this could be university’s work. He sent his
forest guard to inspect. The anti climax came sooner than expected.
As I waited for the forest dept. team to complete the survey of the
damage, apparently the registrar had also set in motion his own
investigation. After some time, Mr. Korgaonkar approached me and said
that he would like to meet the registrar. He shocked me with these
words-“ this is the work done by your university”.
I phoned the registrar’s office and requested for an appointment with
RFO. Mr. Korgaonkar then spoke to the registrar. Within a few minutes
the full team of engineering section of Goa university led by the
registrar Dr. Sangodakar descended at the site with maps. They went
around and checked some boundary marks. Then the delegation assembled
in front of boys’s hostel and then the registrar admitted that the
conclusion drawn in the afternoon inspection was wrong. The road was
made by contractor engaged by the university to build the boundary
wall to transport machinery and materials to permit construction of a
section of the wall on the steep slope.
“ but this  damage is not acceptable” I said-“besides permission of
forest department was not obtained”. Besides, I said_-“why a six metre
wide road is required to transport machines?, What happened to the
trees and timber?.” Mr. Korgaonkar reiterated my statement. He
insisted that despite being a public body the university need to
obtain permission under tree preservation act. The registrar assured
that compensatory plantation would be done during the monsoon. I said
that it would be difficult in the rocky part now. “ We need to admit
that the work was not properly supervised and the impacts were not
assessed seriously”. The engineer said that traditional trail would be
maintained. RFO said that there would be mud flow in the village due
to loose soil.
I told RFO to follow the procedure as per the rules. He expressed the
inability to do house to house search and confiscate the wood and
Turning to the university engineer, I said-“ this is a slap on my
face. I have already informed the world that the damage is done by
some private interest for a megaproject. I am really ashamed that our
university has done this. I believed that the area was cleared for a
proposed megaproject“.  The contractor who had engaged the earth
moving machinery was quietly listening.
Every tree in the university property needs to be surveyed and
numbered-I suggested to the registrar. Every piece of fallen wood,
log, timber has to be  collected and recorded-I said. But I knew that
it was a hopeless situation as every surface development and
construction work has impacted the campus ecology.
Late in the evening Mr. Paul Fernandes phoned me. When he heard about
the new development, he was confused. “what shall I do now”. He asked
referring to the story on which he was working.
Law is same for everyone. We need to report the truth as it has
happened. If university has erred then people would have to know and
seek an explanation. I advised him to speak the VC, Goa University.
He promised to carry the story. Perhaps you can read it in TOI, Goa
edition on June 2, hopefully.
So my request is to send protest letters/emails  against this
environmental degradation to the vice chancellor of Goa University,
Prof. Deobagakar who was kept in dark about the goings on till I
showed him the evidence. Actually he has encouraged me to compile
material on campus biodiversity for a proposed book. He was sorry to
hear about the damage. But till evening on June 1 st he also thought
that it was in the private property.
His e mail id is
This incident has exposed Goa University’s own approach towards
ecology, biodiversity and environment. It would be a miracle if,  with
the “developmental frenzy’ that is being  unleashed, whatever that has
managed to exist in our campus would survive.
Since I am also a part of Goa University system I have also lost face.
Ecovanadalism under any name is ecovandalism. The mud also sticks on
me. I teach Ecology here but my own institution has let me down
miserably. I have  a terrible sinking feeling. The evil has entered my

Dr. Nandkumar Kamat, GOA

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