Everybody knows who St Patrick is ...I am aware that the celebrations are
over and all the green clothes are packed for next year.  Pity that St
Patrick did not come to Goa..he would have got rid of all the Cobras as he
did all the snakes in Ireland ..

In some ways St Patrick, a former English SLAVE was sent to Ireland and
struck the fear of the Lord into Kings ,ordinary people and even Wizards.
This Patrick fellow even before he became a Saint was a <<No Nonsense
fellow >>>> According to the earliest  hagiographer
<https://www.confessio.ie/more>, Cogitosus, writing only decades after
states the saint in constant conflict with the “heathens” whom he tried to
convert to Christianity. Smart fellow first he attacked the Druids or Court
Wizards  . King Loegaire Mac Néill  was so shocked that he exclaimed *>>>>
“it is better to believe than die,>>>>” *

When one evil doer tried to lure him into an ambush by pretending he was
sick ….St Patrick struck him dead !!!! >>> Grandolfo was not present at
this event', so he  idea how this was done .Perhaps Hypnosis !!! I am now
also learning that soon this Fr, Patrick was made a BISHOP.


*But all this aside In 2022 AD there was a Dramatic Change ….How many have
heard of *

 *St. Brigid, Ireland’s Only Woman Patron Saint*

I was not aware of this ABBESS

*Thanks to Lisa Bitel, The Conversation
who wrote the article on *March 15, 2022

I know of several Goans called Bridget ….Unlike St Patrick (born in
England) she was born in Ireland

St  Bridget born sometime around 450 C.E.  was the child of an enslaved
woman and a king in the province of Leinster. Bridget became a Nun and the
Abbess. Her  wealth was used to build a church which is now in ruins

 to In 2022, following a three-year campaign by the feminist organization Her
story <https://www.herstory.ie/home>, the Irish government finally
acknowledged Brigid’s importance
declaring a new National Holiday
on her *feast day of February 1.*

A churchman named Cogitosus <https://www.dib.ie/biography/cogitosus-a1809> was
the first to write
<https://codecs.vanhamel.nl/Vita_sanctae_Brigitae_(Cogitosus)> about her,
in about 650 C.E., or approximately 200 years after her birth.

Until now, Ireland counted her among its three official patrons, along with
St. Patrick and St. Columcille, or Columba
<https://www.irishpost.com/life-style/125140-2-125140>, but gave workers a
day off only on St. Patrick’s Day.

As an environmentalist I am really impressed by St  Brigid.  According to

>>>>.” She tamed both domestic and wild animals, which was handy when her
cows went astray. she could also manipulate the landscape. *B)* Once, when
her kinsmen were building a plank trackway through the bogs, Brigid moved a
river to make it easier for them. *C) *Instead of battling wrongdoers, she
found peaceful resolutions to violent situations. Once, for example, she
deterred a band of bloodthirsty murderers by making it appear as if they
had committed a killing that never even happened.

Grandolfo thinks that ST BRIGID should be sent to Help leaders in Ukraine,
Biden’s USA and Putins Russia.

According to  *Lisa Bitel* *Lisa    *Brigid was a the sensible saint,
compassionate saint >>>.

*Lisa Bitel
the social, cultural, and religious history of medieval Europe. She has
written four books about religion and/or gender in early medieval Europe,
architecture, and saints, among other topics. She is currently researching
a book on religious change and the supernatural in pre-modern Europe.*

We do have smart researchers, like LISA BITEL  on Planet Earth ….So forget
Uncle on Mars and Aunties on Pluto !!

Finally, especially addressed to FREDERICK NORONHA, who has his nose in GOA
...who is the Goan who recently occupied a hihe post in Eire ...he even
visited Goa ???


In Makongo Juu

 Faint Links with Eire !!

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