While I agree that Covid-19 is a Global problem and that
"we are all in this together", I sometimes wonder whether
the lax attitude of the Modi government in allowing religious
celebrations to go ahead without due observance to  social
distancing, wearing of masks etc - is not a contributory factor
in the present crisis? The same applies to electioneering rallies
   While the rest of the world has a duty to come to India's aid
in the present crisis - and some countries have responded,
I feel the Modi government must accept the greater share of the blame.
   Here, in part, is  what that well known Indian author(*Arundhati Roy)
had to say:*

*“The system hasn’t collapsed. The government has failed. Perhaps ‘failed’
is an inaccurate word, because what we are witnessing is not criminal
negligence, but an outright crime against humanity,”*

*Describing the current government as a “crisis-generating machine,”
she said “incapable of leading us out of this disaster”.*

*She added - “Modi the magician” took a bow for saving humanity by
containing the virus during the first wave while “boasting and gloating”
about the virus doing less damage than predicted by experts.*

Mervyn Maciel

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